If your foreign language ability is outstanding, and you have obtained CET-4 and CET-6 certificates, intermediate and advanced interpretation certificates, TOEFL scores, etc. Then your chances are even greater, because the number or proficiency of languages is a golden supplement to your resume. This will be your most reliable selling point. After being effectively highlighted, maybe the recruiter will give you an interview after weighing all the factors.
You can also emphasize your adaptability to make up for the lack of work experience; Third, you can emphasize "work hard … master new skills quickly" in the job skills section of your resume, which will leave a deep impression on future employers. At the same time, you must also consider expressing your willingness to accept hard conditions in order to change careers and increase work experience, such as "willing to work overtime on weekends and nights" or "being able to travel or send abroad", which may give you job opportunities.