2004-00/kloc-00/—— 2009-05 philosophy postdoctoral mobile station of Heilongjiang university
2007-03- was awarded as a doctoral supervisor.
2006-07-Professor of Sociology, School of Humanities, Harbin Engineering University.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, School of Humanities, Harbin Engineering University
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Heilongjiang University
1995-07——2003-07 Assistant Professor and Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Heilongjiang University
2002-0 1——2002- 12 Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK.
2010-07 —— 201kloc-0/-07 Visiting scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of South Carolina, USA.
2000~2003 Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Peking University
1992~ 1995 master (majoring in philosophy of science and technology, Harbin Normal University)
1988~ 1992 bachelor's degree (Department of Mathematics, Harbin Normal University)