Ranking of textile engineering colleges
20 13-20 14 textile engineering major ranking school name: number of horizontal folio schools 1 Donghua University 5★ 37 2 Suzhou University 4★ 37 3 tianjin polytechnic university 4★ 37 4 Jiangnan University 4★ 37 5 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 4★ 37. 6 wuhan textile University 4★ 37 7 Qiqihar University 4★ 37 8 Sichuan University 3★ 37 9 Qingdao University 3★ 37 10 dalian polytechnic university 3 ★ 371xi An Engineering University 3★ 37 12 Wuyi University 3★ 37 13 Southwest University.