It is very important for everyone to get into college. No matter how good you are before entering the university, you are a minor or just an adult. No matter you are an adult or a minor, at least you have insufficient life experience, do not know or understand some people and things, and handle some things too simply, and the probability of failure is very high. Being admitted to a university gives you several more years of study time than others, and the depth and difficulty of study are more challenging than before. After graduation, you are more sure to go out into the society and succeed in your work. In the new era, there are many opportunities and methods for everyone to change their destiny, but in the next few decades, it is still an opportunity to complete their transformation by entering the university, and college graduates can change their fields in a wider range. Being admitted to a university is not necessarily the so-called change of fate. If you don't work hard later, everything will be "nonsense". If you want to change your destiny, every step you take must be down-to-earth and step by step. Including future work and life. Let's go