? Hundred words chop is an APP that helps us recite words. We can customize the learning dictionaries of CET-4 and CET-6, and support the combined memory of pictures, sounds and Chinese and English. At the same time, for each sentence, detailed phonetic notation, pronunciation, explanation, example usage and other contents are provided to help you learn. The software will automatically plan the daily vocabulary learning and review according to the study period you choose, and review the learned vocabulary according to certain learning rules to deepen your memory.
2, ink and ink back words
? It will judge the familiarity of words by analyzing our memory forgetting curve, and dynamically adjust the review of words. We will also analyze the words in detail, so that we can better master the words we recite and sprint for CET-4 and CET-6.
3. There are words with a back.
? Covers the vocabulary of CET-4, TOEFL, IELTS and other exams, and has a rich vocabulary. In addition, it also created a Breaki word memory method, which deepened our memory of words and made them more solid and hard to forget.
4. Recite words
? The associative memory method of Zhimi app is great. Put the words and pictures together, let us think of the pictures of the words intuitively, instead of cold translation. Coupled with root affixation, many words can be derived from one word.