Points. Of course, this university and college know the content and difficulty of the courses offered by this school best, and clearly know what kind of English level is needed to successfully complete their studies. Therefore, the requirements of American colleges and universities for IELTS test scores are set by the institutions themselves. For example, journalists, media, public relations and other majors with high language requirements,
IELTS scores are required to be higher.
News from America &; world
Among the American 100 comprehensive universities published in the report (20 15), the IELTS score requirement (undergraduate) focuses on high scores above 7.
List of universities with a score of 7.5 or above:
Northwestern University, Brown University, Notre Dame University, Carnegie Mellon University, new york University; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (total score 7-8, single item not less than 6).
Top universities such as Princeton University, Harvard University, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, etc. have not announced specific IELTS score requirements, and it should be 7 to 7.5 according to common sense reasoning.
7-point university list (excerpt):
Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, University of Chicago, Duke University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Johns Hopkins University, Vanderbilt University, Rice University, University of California at Berkeley, Emory University, UCLA, University of Southern California, University of California at San Diego, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of California at Davis, University of California at Santa Barbara, Boston University, University of California at Irvine, University of Illinois.
6.5 list of universities (excerpt):
Northeastern University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Miami, University of Texas at Austin, tulane university, University of Georgia, Michigan State University, Denver University, Florida State University, North Carolina State University, St. Louis University. ...
Among the top 100 American comprehensive universities, there are only a handful of IELTS minimum requirements of 6 points:
University of Florida, Clemson University, Texas Agricultural Machinery University, Baylor University, College of Environmental Science and Forestry Science, new york State University, University of Alabama, University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
In terms of IELTS score requirements, there is not much difference between undergraduate and graduate students in the top 50 universities in the United States, which is basically around 7 points. In the application for studying in the United States, having an IELTS score of 7-7.5 is the starting point to the top 30 universities, and we should also pay attention to projects that do not drag small points. Of course, you are not afraid of heights for the popular majors in American universities. If you apply for business schools and law schools of the top 50 universities, as well as popular majors such as media, you must at least reach IELTS 7.5.
Points. To apply for an American university, you must have an IELTS score of at least 6.0 and a postgraduate score of at least 6.5.