20 1 English (including LLM)
6 14 management
859 western economics
Professional courses seem to have only an outline, but no bibliography.
Master's entrance examination outline
6 14- management
The first part of the exam instructions
First, the nature of the examination.
Management is one of the compulsory professional basic courses for graduate students in our school. The goal of the examination is to require candidates to master the basic concepts, theories and skills of management, use relevant basic knowledge to analyze and solve management problems, and have preliminary research and innovation ability. Qualified candidates should reach the level of outstanding undergraduate graduates majoring in management in ordinary colleges and universities nationwide, and have a good theoretical foundation of management.
The examination object is the prospective candidates who take the 2009 national postgraduate entrance examination.
Second, the examination form and papers
(1) Answer method: closed paper and written test.
(2) Answer time: 180 minutes.
(3) the proportion of questions
Noun explanation accounts for about 20%
Short answer accounts for about 30%
Case analysis is about 25%
About 25% of the composition questions
The second part is the main points of the investigation.
I. Management and management personnel
The meaning of management, the characteristics of management, the role of managers, the functions of management, the elements of management, the difference and connection between enterprise management and public management, and the importance of management science.
Second, the evolution of management thought
The formation and development of Chinese and foreign management thoughts;
The stage of classical management theory: the main points of Taylor, Fa Yueer and Weber's management theory and its practical significance.
Theoretical stage of behavioral science. Hawthorne experiment and Mayo's conclusion, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory; X theory -Y theory, etc.
Management science theory, the jungle stage of management theory, the trend of management in the last 20 years, and the application of management theory in reality.
Third, the moral and social responsibility of management.
The meaning of management idea, management ethics and economic benefit and their relationship;
Significance and importance of corporate social responsibility.
Fourth, decision-making
The meaning and characteristics of decision-making;
Types and basic characteristics of decision-making;
Influencing factors of decision-making;
Decision making process;
Theoretical assumptions of complete rationality and limited rationality;
Main methods of decision-making.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) organization
The meaning and characteristics of the organization;
The main contents of organizational design: management scope and management level, departmentalization, centralization and decentralization, etc.
Organizational structure types: linear system, functional system, division system, matrix system, etc.
The meaning, types and functions of organizational culture.
Intransitive verb leadership
The difference and connection between leaders and managers;
Leadership style and its theory: paying attention to people's relationships and tasks, management grid theory, contingency theory, etc.
The meaning of motivation and motivation theory: the main points and applications of need theory, expectation theory, fairness theory and reinforcement theory;
Significance and function of communication: communication characteristics, communication process, communication obstacles and the role of overcoming and listening.
Seven. control
The meaning, steps and importance of control;
Control type: contents, methods, advantages and disadvantages of various controls;
Effective preconditions and requirements of control
The process of control: setting standards, measuring performance and taking action.
Control methods: financial control, budget control, audit control, etc.
Eight, comprehensive analysis ability
Using the basic concepts and theories of management, this paper analyzes the specific problems in management practice and puts forward some suggestions to solve them.
Master's entrance examination outline
859- Western Economics
The first part is the examination form and examination paper structure.
First, the answer method: closed book, written test
Second, the answer time: 180 minutes
Third, the proportion of each part of the examination content:
Microeconomics 50%
Macroeconomics 50%
The second part reviews the main points.
I. Microeconomics
(A) the price theory
1. Basic theory of demand
Demand, demand function, demand law, demand curve, factors affecting demand, changes in demand and changes in demand curve.
2. The basic theory of supply
Supply, supply curve, factors affecting supply, supply function, supply change and supply curve change.
3. The * * * interaction of supply and demand curve
Equilibrium price, the change and calculation of equilibrium price, the role of price in economy and the government's intervention in price
4. Research methods
Economic model, static analysis, comparative static analysis, dynamic analysis, marginal analysis, normative analysis and empirical analysis.
5. Elasticity theory
Demand price elasticity, income elasticity of demand, demand cross price elasticity, supply elasticity, factors affecting demand price elasticity, influence of price change on sales revenue, calculation of point elasticity and arc elasticity.
6. Use the example of supply and demand curve
Maximum price, support price.
(B) the utility theory
1. marginal utility analysis
Cardinal utility and ordinal utility, law of diminishing marginal utility, consumer equilibrium and its calculation, consumer surplus.
2. Indifference curve analysis
Indifference curve and its characteristics, marginal substitution rate of goods, budget line and its changes, consumer equilibrium and its calculation, consumer's personal demand curve and market demand curve, Engel curve.
3. Substitution effect and income effect
Substitution effect, income effect, normal commodity, low-grade commodity, giffen commodity, substitution effect and income effect of various commodities and their differences.
(3) production and cost theory
1. production function
Cobb-Douglas production function.
2. Reasonable input area of variable production factors
Total output, average output, marginal product and its changing law, law of diminishing marginal income, and three stages of production.
3. Reasonable combination of two variable factors of production
Equal output curve and its characteristics, marginal rate of technical substitution, equal cost line and its change, optimal combination of production factors and its calculation, production expansion line.
4. Scale reward
Three stages and characteristics of scale income change, scale economy
5. Short-term costs
The changing laws and relationships of economic cost, opportunity cost, hidden cost, explicit cost, precipitation cost, total cost, average cost, average variable cost and marginal cost, and the relationship between short-term output curve and short-term cost curve.
6. Long-term costs
Comprehensive relationship among long-term total cost curve, long-term average cost, long-term marginal cost, short-term cost curve and long-term cost curve.
(d) Market structure and supplier balance
1. Perfect competitive market
Conditions of perfectly competitive market, demand curve and profit curve of manufacturers, profit maximization principle, short-term equilibrium and short-term supply curve of manufacturers, long-term equilibrium of manufacturers, short-term supply curve and long-term supply curve of perfectly competitive industries.
2. Monopolize the market
Conditions of monopoly market, demand curve and income curve of monopoly manufacturers, short-term equilibrium and long-term equilibrium of monopoly manufacturers, price discrimination, natural monopoly and government regulation.
3. Monopoly competition
Conditions of monopolizing competitive market, demand curve of manufacturers, short-term equilibrium and long-term equilibrium of manufacturers, non-price competition.
4. Oligopoly rulers
Characteristics of oligopoly market, Cournot model, Nash equilibrium, prisoner's dilemma, price leader, beltran model, Sweezy model, basic knowledge of game theory, comparison of economic efficiency of different markets.
(five) determine the price of production factors.
1. Demand for production factors
Marginal productivity theory, derived demand, marginal product value, the principle of perfectly competitive manufacturers using production factors.
2. Supply of production factors
Principle of factor supply, determination of labor supply curve and balanced wage, determination of land supply curve and land rent, quasi-land rent and economic land rent, determination of capital supply curve and interest, Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient.
(6) general equilibrium theory and welfare economics
1. general equilibrium theory
Basic ideas of local equilibrium, general equilibrium and Walras's general equilibrium theory system and their post-war development.
2. Welfare economics
Positive economics, normative economics, Pareto optimal state, Pareto optimal condition, perfect competition and Pareto optimal state, social welfare function, impossibility theorem.
(7) Market failure and microeconomic policies
1. Market failure
Market failure, several situations of market failure: monopoly, external influence, public goods, adverse selection, moral hazard, asymmetric information and incomplete information, and the influence of market failure on resource allocation.
2. Microeconomic policies
Anti-monopoly law, public control of monopoly, external influence policy, Coase theorem, public choice theory, principal-agent problem, incentive.
Second, the macro economy.
(a) national income accounting
1. GDP
Flow, stock, gross domestic product and gross national product.
2. Two accounting methods of national income
Expenditure method and income method.
3. Other gross amounts related to GDP
Gross domestic product (NDP), national income (NI), personal income (PI), disposable personal income (DPI), nominal GDP, actual GDP and potential GDP level.
4. National income balance conditions
The economic equilibrium of the two departments: C+I = Y = C+S → I = S.
Three-sector economic equilibrium: C+I+G=Y=C+S+T→I+G=S+T, or I-S = T-G.
Four-sector economic balance: C+I+G+(X-M) = Y = C+S+T → I+G+(X-M) = S+T, or I-S = (T-G)+(M-X).
(B) simple national income determination theory
1. Balanced output
Simple economic hypothesis, equilibrium output, investment equals savings.
2. Consumption function and savings function
Consumption function and its graph, equilibrium consumption tendency (APC), marginal consumption tendency (MPC), saving function and its graph, average saving tendency (APS), marginal saving tendency (MPS), and the relationship between consumption function and saving function.
3. Other theories about consumption function
Relative income theory, ratchet effect and demonstration effect, life cycle theory, permanent income theory, and other factors affecting consumption.
4. Decisions and changes in national income
Income determination in two-sector economy, three-sector economy and four-sector economy.
5. Multiplier theory
Investment multiplier, government expenditure multiplier, tax multiplier, government transfer payment multiplier, balanced budget multiplier, foreign trade multiplier, multiplier mechanism and conditions.
(c) General equilibrium between product market and money market (IS-LM model)
1. Investment decision
Investment function, real interest rate and investment, marginal efficiency of capital, Tobin q rule.
2. It's a curve
IS curve and its derivative, slope of IS curve, movement of IS curve.
3. Determination of interest rate
Motivation of money demand (trading motivation, caution motivation and speculation motivation), liquidity trap, money demand function, inventory theory and speculation theory of money demand, balance of money supply and demand and determination of interest rate.
4.LM curve
LM curve and its derivative, the slope of LM curve, the movement of LM curve.
5.IS-LM model
The general equilibrium and non-equilibrium of product market and money market, the change of equilibrium income and interest rate, the content of IS-LM model and its policy implications, and the basic framework of Keynesian theory.
macroeconomic policy
1. Fiscal and monetary policies
Fiscal policy and its effect, crowding-out effect and effectiveness of fiscal policy; Monetary policy and its effect, effectiveness and limitations of monetary policy, money illusion; Keynesian extreme case, classical extreme case; Policy effects of mixed use of fiscal policy and monetary policy.
2. Macroeconomic policy practice
Four objectives of macroeconomic policy (economic growth, full employment, price stability and balance of payments). Financial policy tools and their applications, automatic stabilizer, active (discretionary) fiscal policy, functional finance, full employment budget surplus, fiscal deficit and public debt, hierarchical financial system. Monetary policy tools and their applications, active monetary policy, and single-rule monetary policy; Deposit creation and money supply, deposit reserve, statutory reserve ratio, excess reserve, money creation multiplier, base currency, relationship between bond price and interest rate, rediscount interest rate, open market business, and moral advice (window guidance). Securities primary market and secondary market, stock price index, P/E ratio, systematic risk and unsystematic risk, futures and options, early trading, short selling and short selling.
(E) Total demand-total supply model
1. aggregate demand curve
Total demand, aggregate demand function and aggregate demand curve's deduction, aggregate demand curve's movement, real money equilibrium effect (Pigou effect).
2. Total supply curve
Total supply (AS), total production function, labor market equilibrium and employment decision, long-term total supply curve, short-term total supply curve, classical total supply curve, Keynesian total supply curve.
3. Total demand-total supply model
Aggregate demand-aggregate supply model and its policy implications, the influence of aggregate demand curve movement, the influence of aggregate supply curve movement, supply shock, stagflation.
(vi) Unemployment and inflation
1. Unemployment
Friction unemployment, structural unemployment, periodic unemployment, natural unemployment, voluntary unemployment, involuntary unemployment, elasticity, stickiness and rigidity of wages, okun's law.
2. Inflation
Classification of inflation, deflation and inflation. Consumer price index (CPI), producer price index (PPI), GDP conversion index. As a monetary phenomenon, inflation, demand-driven inflation, cost-driven inflation, structural inflation and inflation inertia (spiral); Economic effects of inflation (redistribution effect, output effect); Policies to curb inflation and their consequences.
3. The relationship between unemployment and inflation
Phillips curve and its policy implications, additional expected Phillips curve, long-term Phillips curve.
(7) Open macroeconomic model
1. Exchange rate and international payment
Exchange rate and its pricing method, fixed exchange rate system, floating exchange rate system and the decision of equilibrium exchange rate; Purchasing power parity, nominal exchange rate and real exchange rate; Net export function, Marshall-Lerner condition; Balance of payments, current account and capital account; Net capital outflow function; Balance of payments curve.
2. The macroeconomic equilibrium (IS-LM-BP) model under open conditions.
The meaning and geometry of IS-LM-BP model, Mundell-Fleming model (equilibrium and policy effect under the system of full capital flow and floating exchange rate, equilibrium and policy effect under the system of full capital flow and fixed exchange rate).
3. Policies to adjust internal balance and external balance
(VIII) Theory of economic growth and economic cycle
1 economic growth
Growth accounting equation, total factor productivity (TFP) or Solow remainder, factor analysis of economic growth; The steady state of neoclassical growth model and its meaning, the role of capital accumulation and technological progress in growth; New growth (endogenous growth) model (AK model); Policies to promote economic growth.
2. Economic cycle
The meaning, stages and characteristics of economic cycle, and the types of economic cycle; Multiplier-acceleration model, acceleration number and acceleration principle; Real business cycle (RBC) theory (technology shock theory).
(9) The debate between neoclassical macroeconomics and neoKeynesian macroeconomics.
1. Classical money quantity theory, transaction equation, Cambridge equation, modern money quantity theory, main viewpoints and policy propositions of modern monetarism.
2. The basic assumptions and main viewpoints of neoclassical macroeconomics, rational expectation hypothesis, market clearing, Lucas aggregate supply function, policy ineffectiveness theory.
3. New Keynesian hypothesis and characteristics, adaptive expectations hypothesis, sticky wage theory, sticky price theory, new Keynesian model and its explanation of economic fluctuation, and new Keynesian policy proposition.
4. Similarities and differences between neoclassical macroeconomics and neoKeynesian macroeconomics.