Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Send text messages to people in nature
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
Text b: past and present extinction
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical points: direct speech and indirect speech
Unit 2 People and Technology
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Technology and happiness
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
Who is to blame, the technology or the people who use it?
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical point: subjunctive mood (subjunctive present and future)
Unit 3 Knowledge and Knowledge Transfer
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Rainbow of knowledge
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
Obstacles to knowledge transfer in Text B
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical point: If subjunctive mood (subjunctive to the past)
Unit 4 Work and Career
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Send short messages to works, labor and games.
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
Choose a career or career
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical points: simple sentences and complex sentences
Unit 5 Fame and Success
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Become famous by texting.
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
Correct success
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical points: the use of infinitives
Unit 6 Attitude towards Life
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Two truths of life
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
Wen b, let go of yourself!
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical point: preposition (noun+preposition)
Unit 7 Lifestyle
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
Text strips off, revealing happiness.
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
My frugal life
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical point: adjective+preposition
Unit 8 Literacy Appreciation
Start warming up before class
Listening and answering listening training
Reading and exploring intensive reading of texts
An hour's story
Text structure analysis of cultural link text content abstract
An Analysis of Textual Translation of Lexical Phrases and Difficult Sentences
Practice answering and explaining in detail.
A thin dime
Analysis of Difficult Sentences of Cultural Linking Words
Text translation exercises answers and detailed explanations.
Optional classroom activities
Enhance your language awareness to improve your language ability.
Grammatical points: grammar and rhetoric