For example, Duan said slowly, "I hope you can let me get married before I am 27." Sang Zhi couldn't help saying, "I didn't graduate from college until you were 27." "If you didn't refuse, I'll take it as your consent." Sang Zhi felt wronged: "You should be shameless." Duan Jia smiled. "Chasing a little girl is still an awkward little girl. How can you be proud? " .
relevant information
Duan is the hero in Zhu's novels. This novel mainly tells a sweet story of two-way unrequited love. The heroine Sangzhi is set as a perverse girl, but it is not particularly obvious. Cute is enough to describe Sangzhi. She met her brother's friend Duan at the age of thirteen, but at that time she could only say that she liked her a little.
Because he is gentle and handsome enough, Duan's tenderness is hidden in many details. He can smile at life even if he has experienced unfair experiences, and he is also good at routines when he is in love.