Professional English name
Accounting accounting
Agricultural affairs
Agricultural communication
Agricultural education
African-Americans and Diaspora Studies: A Study on African-Americans and Diaspora
Indian studies American Indian studies
American studies in the United States
Animal and veterinary science
Anthropology anthropology
architectural engineering
Art art
Astronomy and astrophysics astronomy/astrophysics
Biological biology
Botany botany
Business administration business administration
business economics
Chemical engineering chemical engineering
Chemical Engineering-Petrochemical Engineering (Petroleum)
Chemical chemistry
civil engineering
Communication communication
Computer engineering
computer science
criminal judicature
Curriculum and teaching
Dental hygiene
earth system science
Economics economics
Electrical engineering electrical engineering
Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Option)
Primary education in primary education
Primary education and special education
Energy management and development
energy systems engineering
English English
Environment and natural resources
Environmental Geology and Groundwater Literature Environmental Geology/Hydrogeology
Family and consumer science
Financial finance
French. French
Gender and women studies
Geographical geography
Geology geology
Geology and Earth Sciences Geology and Earth Sciences
Humanities and Fine Arts Humanities/Fine Arts
International studies of international studies
Kinematics and Health Promotion Kinematics and Health Promotion
management control
marketing management
Mathematical mathematics
Mathematics and Science Mathematics/Science
Mechanical engineering mechanical engineering
molecular biology
Music music
music education
Music performance
Nursing care
petroleum engineering
Philosophical philosophy
Physical education teaching
Physical physics
Physiology physiology
Politics of politics
Grassland ecology and watershed management
Religious studies
Secondary education in secondary education
social science
Social Work Social Work
Sociology sociology
Spanish. Spanish.
special needs education
Speech and hearing science
Statistical statistics
Technical education
Drama and dance
Trade and industrial education
Biology and management of wildlife and fisheries
Zoology Zoology
Update 1: E = released energy m = mass frustration c = light speed.
E = MC 2 is a formula deduced by Einstein in a paper in 1905. Because the spee