In college, we also have many ways to make money. School work-study, restaurant waiter, part-time clothes seller, tutor, etc., there are many more for you to choose from. But everything needs to pay your own sweat and efforts. It can be said that money, rice, oil and salt are expensive.
Fortunately, in the last semester of my sophomore year, I achieved a little economic independence. I started my journey as a tutor.
Two hours at a time, two hours 70 yuan. A month is almost 1000. So I achieved a little economic independence. I really like this state. So let me talk about my first experience as a tutor.
I felt uneasy all the way. What kind of child is this child? Are the child's parents easy to get along with? Will it be bad luck to meet the kind of hooligans mentioned on TV? I was scared to death. When I got to the door, I was a little shaky when I talked to my parents. I don't even know what I'm talking to children. Because I want to make a good impression on her, but I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing.
Of course, the first trial teaching went well. After I came back, her mother sent me a message asking me to keep going. I'm so happy. Especially when I got my salary in the first week, I jumped with joy.
It's just that children are very thin. She often asks me for gifts and red envelopes, and I coax her to study every day. Actually very tired, really tired. So whenever I spend money, I will be reluctant to spend it.
In fact, the feeling of being a tutor for the first time is exciting, tired and happy. It's really nice to be able to support yourself.
Everyone can try the feeling of economic independence.
Happy new year.
20 19, I will definitely have a better life.