I should take part-time jobs in my spare time to exercise myself. Although the problem of job hunting after graduation is still a long time away from me, I have to make plans in advance so as not to be difficult to work in the ideal post at that time, and many jobs will pay attention to the accumulation of work experience in addition to academic qualifications, so I have to accumulate experience through part-time jobs and have a general understanding of workplace life. After all, there are some pitfalls in both part-time and formal jobs after graduation. I should step into them early, suffer some losses, and ensure that my future self will not be crushed by some setbacks. Perhaps I still have many illusions about my future career planning, but I should think more realistically in the face of social competition.
It is very important to strengthen the study of professional knowledge and arrange your campus life reasonably. After all, the main duty of college students is to study hard, and rich theoretical knowledge is also one of the capital in the future job hunting process, but I can't just shout slogans and not recognize the problems in real life. Although I always talk about my past struggles and dreams, I seriously lack practical experience. Therefore, I want to have an accurate understanding of my ability to avoid the phenomenon of aiming too high after graduation in the future. In fact, only by doing a good job and working hard towards the established goals can we constantly sharpen our abilities.
Although I have learned the career planning course, I understand that the workplace life is not as beautiful as I imagined, but I also know that there are still many challenges I need to face in the future. So I want to study my professional knowledge and accumulate practical experience in my spare time. It is important to form good habits and motivate yourself with them. After all, even a little slack in my struggle may lead me to lag behind others. I don't want to catch a lot of bad habits because of laziness during my school days, but I also want to know something about my career and how to achieve it.
The study of this course has undoubtedly improved my knowledge. While I understand my own shortcomings, I should also actively improve. However, now that I have understood the importance of career planning, I must act as soon as possible, at least because I don't want to be mediocre in the future because I live too comfortably.
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