And college students will go to work after graduation. People often say that once they work, it is difficult for them to meet love again. It's hard for you to meet all kinds of people after leaving campus. The circle you meet is very narrow, which narrows the scope of our mate selection.
Why do some people say that college students should not fall in love? Those who say these words must think that the task of college students is to study, and they should not be distracted by falling in love. But what I want to tell you is that talking about a healthy and positive love can promote your study. It is a wonderful thing for two people to work together and move towards the future together. There are many examples of college couples working together to get into graduate school around me. From university to society, together to the palace of marriage, is what everyone yearns for!
As we all know, graduation season is the so-called break-up season every year, and few people can succeed in college love, but I still hope that everyone can talk about a devoted love during their four years in college.
Love can make you mature. Because the university is originally a place between the school and the society, we can't just study as carefree as before. We should start to understand this society and learn how to survive in the future. And falling in love will make people mature and make you feel responsible. If you are lucky, you may just meet the right person; If you break up, you can also learn from experience and learn to love someone better. Everything has advantages and disadvantages, but we should not be afraid of failure, so we dare not try to fall in love. It is something that every one of us will experience in our life, and it is inevitable. We should face it bravely and talk about a sincere love. Whatever the outcome, we can always learn something from it. As long as you can learn something, you won't waste this experience.