Generally speaking, a good university is to find a good job in the future. Many good enterprises explicitly only recruit 985 or 2 1 1 graduates. At this time, you can't even reach the threshold, let alone the opportunity. Moreover, a good university has many things to learn, excellent contacts, strong learning ability, good learning atmosphere, many resources for exercise and many platforms.
Although attending a good university does not necessarily mean that you are excellent, good university resources, especially those supported by national policies, are far ahead of other school hardware facilities, such as libraries, accommodation, teaching environment, laboratories and so on. Few people don't feel nervous when studying in this atmosphere. Everyone works hard and takes the initiative to learn what they are interested in. At least in this place, if you study, you will rarely be ridiculed by your roommates like some schools. People around me come from all over the country, and even international students study here. You can make friends and practice English to expand your friends. There are many benefits.