2. School of Educational Sciences: Department of Education, Department of Physical Education and Department of Social Sports;
3. Institute of Theology: Department of Theology;
3. School of Business Economics: Economics Department (Economics Department) and Applied Statistics Department;
4. School of Management: Department of Management;
5. School of Social Sciences: Department of Political Diplomacy, Department of Administration, Department of Journalism and Broadcasting, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Sociology and Department of Cultural Anthropology;
6. School of Life Sciences: Department of Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Department of Life Engineering;
7. Law School: Law School;
8. Faculty of Science: Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Life Science, Department of Earth System Science, Department of Astronomy and Universe, Department of Atmospheric Science, Department of Life Science;
9. Medical College: Department of Medicine;
10, School of Dentistry: Department of Dentistry;