Average admission rate of freshmen in the current season
The retention rate is 6 years.
Employment rate 1 Harvard (MA) 40866 $19872 6.30% 98% 97%1Princeton University (Princeton, New Jersey) 38650$ 7859 8.50% 98% 96% 3 Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut) 32650.00000000000001 875 7.70% 99% 97% 4 North Carolina, Columbia) $43,62315,427 14.00% 97% 94% 8 University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) $43,738 19, 91912.40% 98% 96%10 California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, California) 39,588 US dollars 223165,438 mo) 43,705 US dollars 13, 90816.50% 97% 93%15 Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island) 43758 USD 8768 8.90% 98% 95% 15 Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) 434 13. 13 1 Berkeley (California) N/A 36,14221.60% 97% 90% 23 Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) 45 124 USD124.
Out-of-state: 35,570 USD 40,675 USD 25.50% 97% 90% 24 University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California) 44,463 USD 380 10 23.00% 97% 90% 24 University of Virginia (Charlotte, Virginia) in.
Other states: 38018 $24297 33.30% 97% 94% 27 Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) 43200 $735139.90% 94% 88% 28 Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts) 44666.
Out of state: 39109 $42,71640.60% 96% 90% 30 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC) In state: 7694 $,
Out-of-state: 28,446 USD 29,137 31.40% 97% 90% 31Boston College (Massachusetts) 43,878 USD13,906 28.00% 95% 9/kloc.
Out of state: 36753 $8200 34.60% 95% 91%33 University of Rochester (Rochester, New York) 43666 $ 10/0,319 34.10% 95% 83% 33.
Out of state: 29402 $20,94151.20% 94% 79% 37 case western reserve university (Cleveland, Ohio) 40490 $9636 51.30% 92% 78% 38 Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 33.40% 94% 87% 38 University of California at Davis (CA) State: 13877$,
Other States: 36,755 USD 3 1, 732 46.0% 92% 86% 38 University of California, San Diego (La Jolla, California) Not applicable 28,593 35.50% 95% 85% 41Rensselaer Institute of Technology (Troy, New York) 44,475 USD 69/.
Out of state: 36549 $2 1, 685 45.70% 91%86% 41University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin) In state: 10384$,
Out of state: 26634 $4244150.50% 94% 83% 44 University of California, Irvine (Irvine, California) is not applicable 27, 189 47.50% 94% 85% 44 University of Miami (Coral Gables, Florida) is not applicable/kloc-.
Out of state: 28,746 USD 45,628 USD 52.40% 92% 87% 46 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois) In state: 14428 USD,
Out-of-state: 28,570 US dollars 44,407 US dollars 67.60% 94% 82% 46 University of Texas (Austin) Inner-state: 9,792 US dollars,
Out of state: 33060 $5 1,12 46.6% 92% 81%46 University of Washington, Seattle (Washington) N/A 42428 58.40% 93% 80% 46 leaf history. New York) US$ 36,500 6563 69.40% 91%85% 51Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts) 42,994 US$ 32,439 49.40% 91%85% 51George Washington University (Washington DC
Other States: 25,445 US dollars 56,867 US dollars 63.40% 93% 80% 58 Fordham University (new york, NY) 4 1732 US dollars 15, 189 42.40% 90% 78% 58 Southern Methodist University (Texas 982 54.60% 89829 49.40% 91%80% 58 University of Maryland College Park State: 8908 USD,
Out-of-state: 27,287 USD 37,580 USD 44.70% 94% 82% 58 University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) Inner-state: 16590 USD,
Out-of-state: $26,280 $28,766 $ 57.90% 92% 79% 63 University of Connecticut (Stals, Connecticut) In-state: 1 1242,
Out-of-state: 29,074 USD 25,868 USD 47.30% 93% 83% 63 University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia) In-state: 9,842 USD,
Out-of-state: 28,052 USD 34,81663.00% 94% 83% 65 Purdue University IN Este lafayette (in) Inner-state: 9,900 USD.
Out-of-state: 28702 $39637 68.30% 88% 68% 65 dezhou university Station: 8505 $,
Out of state: 25,035 USD 49,86163.50% 92% 80% 65 Worcester Institute of Technology (Worcester, Massachusetts) 4 1380 USD 5778 56.70% 94% 76% 68 Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah) 47/kloc-
Out-of-state: 29,600 $19,914 63.30% 91%80% 68 Rutgers University (Taway, Pisca, New Jersey) Inner-state: 13073 $,
Other States: 26,393 USD 69,950 USD 6 1. 10% 92% 77% 68 new brunswick College of State University of New Jersey (Minneapolis, Minnesota) unknown 52,557 46.6% 89% 70% 72 Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan) unknown 47,954 72.90.
Out-of-state: 26,279 USD 29810 79.80% 85% 71%72 Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Virginia) Within-state: 10930 USD,
Other States: US$ 25,320 30,936 66.60% 91%82% 75 Stevens Institute of Technology (hoboken, New Jersey) 4356 1 US$ 554 1.70% 9 1% 79% 75 University of Delaware (. 737 58.20% 92% 78% 77 American University (Washington DC) 39499 USD+02,724,465,438 USD +0.60% 90% 77% 77 Baylor University (Waco, Texas) 339 16 USD 65,438. 029 39.70% 84% 72% 77 State of colorado school of mines (co): 177 18 $,
Out-of-state: 32748 $5346 44.60% 88% 70% 77 School of Environmental Science and Forestry Science, State University of New York (Syracuse, New York, USA) Inner-state: 6570$,
Out of state: 15820 $2346 46.8% 85% 66% 77 University of ALabama (Tuscaloosa, Al) In state: $9,200,
Exceeded state: 22,950 $31,647 43.50% 85% 66% 77 University of California, Santa Cruz, California: 134 16$,
Out of state: 36294 $17,454 67.40% 90% 77% 83 Clark University (Worcester, Massachusetts) 38450 $3462 67.90% 89% 80% 83 drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). 36090 $18489 57.50% 84% 68% 83 State of Indiana University BloomINgton (in): 10033$,
Other states: 3 1483 USD 42,73172.30% 90% 72% 83 Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) USD 33,24412,002 56.80% 89% 81%.
Out of state: 25190 $25469 70.00% 87% 66% 89 Binghamton University-new york State University (Binghamton, NY, USA) Within 76 13$,
Out of state:16761$14746 40.70% 91%78% 89 University of Miami at Oxford (Oxford, Ohio) In state: 13595 $,
Out of state: 29158 $1739574.10% 89% 81%92 St. Louis University (St. Louis, Missouri) 35246 $1407365438.
Out of state:18134 $24059 39.20% 89% 67% 92 Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, Texas) 34590 $9518 37.70% 86% 74% 92 University of San Diego (San Diego, California) 33.
Other States: $35,582 13478 75.40% 86% 72% 97 Florida State University (Tallahassee, Florida) Not applicable 41087 58.50% 91%74% 97 University of Colorado (Colorado
Out of state: 31378 $32252 86.90% 84% 68% 97 University of Massachusetts at Amherst (MA) In state: 13230 $97,
Out-of-state: 26,645 US dollars 28,084 US dollars 65.60% 88% 67% 97 University of Missouri (Columbia, Missouri) In-state: 9,257 US dollars,
Other states: US$ 23,366 US$ 33,805 US$ 82.30% 85% 69% not included.