But failing and getting credit are two different things. It will have a certain impact on the university, and it is best not to fail the course during the university. Because of this, it will really bring a lot of trouble to your life in the next few years. If you fail to pass the make-up exam, you will face a re-exam, and there are many professional courses. If the burden of reconstruction is added to this matter, it may not be able to cope. In this case, it will be even more difficult. You will eventually face the problems of graduation and university life without a diploma and degree certificate. Is the real incomplete college life, so the first thing to do after failing the course is also the most important. Is to review carefully during the holiday and pass the make-up exam.
If you fail the course, first, you can't participate in the annual evaluation of the university, and you will win the prize first. Secondly, we have lost the qualification to join the party as activists. Each college has a limited number of places to join the party, so it must be carefully considered. Generally speaking, students who fail are not allowed. If you have just entered the university campus at this time, or you have not failed any courses in the university campus so far, that is fine. Try to avoid failing this course. Because you never know if there will be something you want to fight for one day, and when it is within reach, it has become the only obstacle because of the experience of failing the exam. In junior high school and senior high school, if you get a zero, it will not affect your future, but you have failed in one way or another in college. There may be annoying consequences. Perhaps this is what college students have to ask, and they should be responsible for what they have done.
If you have failed the course at this time, what doesn't belong to you is not important, although you lost some opportunities because of your failure in the course. But there are many opportunities that open the door for you to think about how to seize these opportunities. This is the proper behavior of the strong. The sky is not falling, the world is big, and you are still young. More surprises and tears. Prepare for the future.