Since it will make you more likely to succeed, or you will be more likely to succeed, you must know that if you want to get a better life, you must learn to pay. As the saying goes, the third year of high school must have been very hard. On the one hand, you have to overcome your nervousness about this exam, on the other hand, you have to bear the pressure from all directions.
Although it may be that your parents don't give you much pressure on the surface, he will feel that he will let nature take its course and go to any school he enters. This is what you will know. You must get good grades. So although the life in senior three is very hard, many people will miss it very much after they go to college, so I think as an experienced person, I can understand this idea.
Because first of all, you will miss these students who took the college entrance examination with you and studied with you. Because you may not have a fixed class or a fixed teacher when you get to college, it is difficult to find like-minded people. But when you get to high school, you will have a group of partners who will stay with you all day, and you can establish good friendship.