How to deal with the absence of self-taught exams in East China University of Science and Technology?
If you are in college, there is another saying, that is, if you miss or fail the exam, you will have to make up the exam. If it is a self-study exam, there is no make-up exam. You can continue to register next time this time. So what if East China University of Science and Technology fails the self-taught exam? Let's take a look at Bian Xiao! Indeed, it is very important for us to take the self-study exam, and it is also worth applying for. Because the gold content is increasing, most people are eager to get a high degree diploma, so the chances of our taking the initiative to choose a company will be greatly improved. But when we take the exam, we may fail for various reasons, and then you will miss the exam. Some candidates have doubts. Can they continue to apply? In fact, after the reform in 2023. It is no longer irrelevant to be absent from the self-taught exam. You must apply carefully and attend on time after application, otherwise your integrity will be seriously affected. At present, everyone has integrity problems. If you don't take the exam, there will be integrity problems in the file, but the impact is not great. After missing the exam, you should also make strict arrangements, otherwise it will be very bad to leave black spots on the integrity file all your life, and it may also affect your future work and life! The above is the way to deal with the absence of self-taught exams in East China University of Science and Technology. For more information about the self-study exam of East China University of Science and Technology, you can continue to pay attention to the hunting exam network. The recruitment teacher of Hunting Test Network can also answer your question online: Are there any requirements for the photos uploaded by East China University of Science and Technology when registering for the self-taught exam? What courses can be exempted from the self-taught examination of East China University of Science and Technology?