Unable to get credit: If the make-up exam fails, you will not get the corresponding credit, which may affect the graduation time and the issuance of degree certificates.
Prolonged study time: Because you can't get credits, you may need to study again or extend the study time, which increases the economic and time burden.
Affect academic planning: Make-up exams may affect academic planning, resulting in failure to study and study as planned.
Psychological pressure: Make-up exams may bring psychological pressure and frustration to students and affect their study and living conditions.
Decline in employment competitiveness: If the make-up exam only leads to academic delay or failure to obtain corresponding credits, it may affect the employment competitiveness after graduation.
In short, make-up exams may have a certain impact on students' study and future, so you should prepare carefully before the exam to avoid this situation. If you fail in the make-up exam unfortunately, you should also face it positively, seek help and support, work hard to overcome difficulties, and re-plan your studies and future.