With air conditioning, you can charge the fee. As for the rental fee, it is unreasonable unless the school has evidence to prove that these installed air conditioners are rented and not purchased by the school. Nowadays, many unqualified mobile vendors just disassemble electrical appliances with simple tools. Due to the backward processing methods, they only recycle iron, copper and other parts that are easy to recycle, which makes some precious resources such as gold and silver not fully recovered and wastes resources. Clearly stipulate the lease term, rent, lease deposit, use of the leased property, renovation, return at expiration, etc. Otherwise, disputes will easily arise due to the long term of the leased property. The legal use of the leased property must be clearly defined, otherwise, it may be provided for rent knowing that the lessee is using it for illegal purposes.
legal ground
Article 703 of the Civil Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) is a lease contract in which the lessor delivers the lease item to the lessee for use and profit, and the lessee pays the rent. Article 704 The contents of a lease contract generally include terms such as the name, quantity, purpose, lease term, rent, payment term and method, and maintenance of the lease item.