Gronau. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia with an area of 7863.54 hectares and a population of 45067. The city is located at the junction of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and the Netherlands.
Gummersbach. The county seat of North Rhine-westfalen is located in the mountainous area of Bergisch, with a population of 50,600. Cologne Vocational University has majors in mechanical manufacturing and electronic technology here. The Roman Gothic churches in the city were built in 12 and 15 centuries respectively.
Helford. A county town of North Rhine-westfalen-Ravensburg. Population, 63,300. The furniture manufacturing industry is very famous. From 1342, it is the city of Hanseatic.
Ibn Brun
Ibn Babylon. A city in the northwest of North Rhine-Westphalia-Totoborg forest. The population is 45,000. It is a coking coal producing area, with a mine depth of1420m and a large power plant.
Iseron North Rhine-Westphalia-a city in lanshan district with a population of 92,000.
Isburg. North Rhine-A city in KreisBohlken, westfalen. Population 10800, covering an area of 43 square kilometers.
Ulrich City. A city on the Ruhr River in North Rhine-westfalen. The population is 30300. The sugar factory is very famous.
Carmen. A city on the eastern edge of North Rhine-Westphalia-Ruhr. Population 48286. Industry includes metalworking and office supplies production. This city is located at the junction of Minsk and lanshan district, and German 1 and No.2 expressway from north to south and east to west also pass through here.
Kisper. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia, with an area of 72 square kilometers and a population of 18300.
Smart. North Rhine-Westphalia-a county seat located in the lowlands of the lower Rhine River, with a population of 44 100. Built in13rd century.
k? nigswinter
Eaves in winter. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the Rhine River with a population of 34,200.
Legden. North Rhine-westfalen-a city in Mü nster, with a population of 6,647 and an area of 56. 17 square kilometers.
A city of North Rhine-Westphalia. Population, 159800. The industry in this city is mainly chemical industry. 1862, a factory for producing foqing pigments was established here, and the current city name 1930 was named after this factory.
Lubeck. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the northern edge of the Wayne Mountains. The population is 23,400. There is a port in the Sino-German Canal. There are well-preserved18th century wooden houses in the city.
Medbach North Rhine-Westphalia-a city located at the foot of Hongfa Mountain in lanshan district, with a population of 8,500 and an area of12,605 hectares. This city used to be a Hanseatic city.
Melbusch. North Rhine-A city in Neuss County, westfalen. It has a population of 55,200 and an area of 64 square kilometers.
Menden. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city in eastern lanshan district. The population is 56,000. There are museums and post-Gothic parish churches in the city. Industry includes metalworking.
Meschede. North Rhine-westfalen-located in the upper reaches of the Ruhr River-is the seat of the county seat with a population of 3 1600. Paderborn University and comprehensive college have professional settings here.
Metman. The county seat of North Rhine-westfalen lies in the east of Dü sseldorf with a population of 38,300. It is famous for its industrial processing.
Minden city. North Rhine-westfalen is the county seat where the Weize River and the Sino-German Canal meet, with a population of 77,300. Industry also makes paper, porcelain, medicines and machinery. This city was mentioned as early as 798 AD.
Morse. A city in wiesel County, North Rhine-westfalen, located in the lower reaches of the Rhine River, with a population of 107 100 and an area of 68 square kilometers. The literature about this city first appeared in the 9th century.
m? nchengladbach
Star gladbach City. A city on the lower reaches of the Rhine River in North Rhine-Westphalia. The population is 25,800. Industry is mainly textile industry: silk, rayon and cotton wool processing.
Mullenheim Ruhr
Mirheim-sur-Ruhr. North Rhine-westfalen-a city in the west of Ruhr, population 177600. There are Max Planck Institute of Coal and Radiochemistry, Art Museum and Theatre. Industry includes steel pipes and machinery manufacturing. There are power plants and ports.
Noyes: A city in North Rhine-Westphalia opposite Dü sseldorf. Population 146400. There is a port on the Rhine. Industry is mainly metal industry. There is a national theatre in this city.
rot weiss oberhausen
Upper Hausen North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the Ruhr River with a population of 223,400. Mainly for the steel industry and chemical industry.
Orper. Wei Bei-located in lanshan district County, Zaozhuang City, with a population of 23,600.
Paderborn city. Westfalen, North Rhine-westfalen, is a city extending to the southeast of mountainous plain, with a population of 1 18600. There are Christian seminaries and universities. The industries are mainly metalworking, plastic industry and electronic technology.
Radford Mwalder North Rhine-A city in Upper Berrishshire, westfalen. It covers an area of 54 square kilometers and has a population of 24,800.
Hausen, liquidation. North Rhine-A city in the Ruhr region of northern westfalen. Population, 124600. It is the venue of Ruhr literature and art exhibition. There are several museums, art galleries and zoos. Industry includes stone coal mining, metal and textile industry. There is a port in the Rhine-Helene Canal.
Rhine Fort North Rhine-Westphalia-a city located in the lower plain of the Rhine River, with a population of 27,600 and a port on the Rhine River. Industry includes plastic processing and electrical appliance manufacturing. The Catholic parish chapel in this city was built from 12 to 16 century.
René. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the Ames River. Population, 70,200. There are zoos and weapons museums in the city. Lane was first recorded in 838 and became a city in 1327.
Saint Augustine
St Augustine. North Rhine-westfalen-a city located in Rhine-Riggs County, with a population of 55,000 and an area of 34 square kilometers. The German Institute of Quality and Labeling is located in this city.
Senberg. A city in North Rhine-westfalen. Population 13500, covering an area of 78 square kilometers.
Schmalen Berg. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the Lena River with a population of 25,000. The city is an air sanatorium, and wooden houses with schist roofs can be seen everywhere in the city.
Schweim. A county town in the Begish Mountains of North Rhine-Westphalia with a population of 30,300. This industry is mainly engaged in metal processing and piano manufacturing. Schwemm is the capital of Ennep-Ruhr County.
Schwedt. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the Ruhr River with a population of 48,400. Industry is mainly metalworking. In the urban area, there are Christian churches built in the14th century.
Chickburg. The county seat of North Rhine-Westphalia, population 35 100. Industry includes chemical industry and pottery making.
Souster City. The county seat of North Rhine-westfalen has a population of 42,200. There are museums. Industry is mainly machinery manufacturing.
Solingen. North Rhine-Westphalia-A city in the middle of the Bergisch Mountains. Population, 164300. 16-17th century, it became a famous tool producing area because of casting swords. Today, the Gemini brand knives produced in this city are very famous. There is a tool museum in this city. 1894-97 is a scenic spot.
Steinhagen Kreis guetersloh Town, North Rhine-westfalen, covers an area of 56 square kilometers and has a population of 196 10.
A city in the western forest of North Rhine-Westphalia-Totoborg. Population 8900. This is an air resort.
Tagt. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the Ames River, population 16600. There is a late Gothic parish church expanded by 1868 and a pilgrimage church built by 1654-57.
Troisdorf. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia with a population of 64 100. Industries are mainly steel and chemicals.
Una North Rhine-Westphalia-the county seat in the east of Ruhr, population 6 1900. Industry includes machinery and instrument manufacturing. Una has been a member of the Hanseatic League since14th century.
Felbert North Rhine-westfalen-a city in the mountainous area of Bergisch. The population is 89,000. The earliest literature about this city was recorded in 875 AD, and it has been a city since 1860. This city is the industrial center of German key and lock manufacturing, and there is a lock and building hardware museum in the city.
Filson. North Rhine-Westphalia-a county seat located in the lowlands of the lower Rhine River with a population of 77,300. This city is a merger of 1970.
North Rhine-westfalen, Vorotto-a city on the Weser River, population 19300. Industry mainly manufactures machines and vehicles. There are Gothic Christian Stefan churches built in 13 and 17 centuries in the city. Ancient wooden houses were built in 16 to 19 century.
Wallendorf North Rhine-Westphalia-the county seat of the same name county. The population is 38,700, with an area of 177 square kilometers. Located in the eastern part of the Munstran region, on the Ames River. The German Equestrian Association is located here.
Will city. Located in North Rhine-westfalen, with a population of 28,300.
Wessel. North Rhine-the county seat of wiesel County, westfalen, is located at the place where Lipper River flows into the Rhine River, with a population of 62 100 and an area of 123 square kilometers.
Winterberg. North Rhine-Westphalia is a city located in the Kara Asten Mountains. Population 15400. It is a health resort and winter sports place.
Witten is a city in the Ruhr region of eastern North Rhine-Westphalia. Population, 102900. Mainly used in metal industry.
Uputa city. It is a city in the mountainous area of North Rhine-Begish, westfalen, with a population of 38 1 100. Industry mainly includes textile and machinery manufacturing. Since 190 1, the suspended cable car of Uppertar has been in operation, with the lane exceeding 13 km and directly erected over the Uppertar River.
Zanteng city. North Rhine-Westphalia-a city on the left bank of the lower Rhine River. Population 15700. Attractions include the St.Victor of Marseilles of Marseilles Cathedral, which laid the foundation stone at 1263. It is the most famous Gothic church building in the lower reaches of the Rhine except Cologne Cathedral. Many medieval buildings and open-air museums opened since 1974 show the ruins of ancient Roman cities excavated in Xanten.
Surprise. North Rhine-westfalen-a city in the northwest of Orzinski, population 16700. There are ancient Roman bathing facilities built around 100 and castle ruins built from 13 to 15 centuries in the city.