0 10 102 China's philosophy
0 10 103 foreign philosophy
0 10 104 logic
moral norm
0 10 106 aesthetics
0 10 108▲ philosophy of science and technology
020 10 1▲ political economy
020 102 history of economic thought
020 103 economic history
020 104 western economics
020 105 world economy
020 106 economics of population, resources and environment
02020 1 national economy
020204 Finance
020205 Industrial Economics
020207 labor economics
030 102 legal history
030 105 civil and commercial law
030 109 international law
03020 1 political theory
030202 Chinese and foreign political systems
030203 Scientific Socialism and International Production Movement
Party history in 030204
03050 1 Basic Principles of Marxism
Study on 030503 Marxism in China
030504 Foreign Marxist Studies
030505▲ Ideological and Political Education
040 10 1▲ Principles of pedagogy
040 102 Curriculum and Teaching Theory
040 103 history of education
040 104 comparative pedagogy
040 105 preschool education
040 106 higher education
040 107 adult pedagogy
040 108 vocational and technical education
040 120★ Education leads science
040 12 1★ Basic Pedagogy
04020 1 basic psychology
040202▲☆ Development and Educational Psychology
040203 Applied Psychology
040220★ Quantitative Psychology
04030 1▲ Sports Humanities and Sociology
Physical education and training
040304 National Traditional Sports
050 10 1 literature and art
050 102 linguistics and applied linguistics
050 103 China philology
050 104 China classical philology
050 105▲ China ancient literature
050 106 Modern and Contemporary Literature in China
050 107 China minority languages and literature
050 108 comparative literature and world literature
05020 1 English language and literature
0502 1 1 foreign linguistics and applied linguistics
050302 communication
050402 musicology
Art research.
060 10 1 historical theory and historiography
060 104 historical philology
060 105 special history
060 106▲ Ancient history of China
060 107 Modern History of China
060 108 world history
070 10 1▲ Basic Mathematics
070 102 computational mathematics
070 103 probability theory and mathematical statistics
070 104 applied mathematics
070 105 logistics and cybernetics
07020 1 theoretical physics
070205▲ condensed matter physics
070207▲☆ Optics
07030 1 inorganic chemistry
070302 analytical chemistry
070303 organic chemistry
070304 physical chemistry
070305 Polymer Chemistry and Physics
07050 1▲ physical geography
070502 human geography
070503 Cartography and Geographic Information System
07 100 1▲ botany
07 1002 zoology
07 1003 physiology
07 1004 aquatic biology
07 1009 cell biology
07 10 10 biochemistry and molecular biology
07 10 1 1 biophysics
07 10 12 ecology
07 1200 history of science and technology
07700 1★☆▲ educational technology
077002★ Sports Human Science
080300 optical engineering
08050 1 material physics and chemistry
080902 circuit and system
Microelectronics and solid-state electronics
080904 electromagnetic field and microwave technology
08 1202 computer software and theory
08 1203 computer application technology
08 1704 applied chemistry
08300 1 environmental science
090706 Garden Plants and Ornamental Horticulture
09080 1 aquaculture
100705 microorganism and biochemical pharmacy
120202 enterprise management
12040 1 management
120403★ Education Economy and Management
12050 1 library science
120502 information science