Xue Xin. Com is the only website designated by the state to inquire about the authenticity of academic qualifications. From July 20 18 to July 1 year, all academic certificates after 2002 (inclusive) can be inquired free of charge through Xue Xin. You can also apply for online verification report of academic qualifications (that is, electronic certification report) online for free.
Xue Xin's educational background. Com can be queried as follows:
1, the registration information of all kinds of students in higher education recognized by the state (excluding self-taught exams), and the student registration files since 200 1 (the registration information of students who dropped out of school during school).
2, 200 1 since the national recognition of all kinds of higher education diploma electronic registration information (including diploma). Including graduate students, ordinary undergraduate colleges, adult undergraduate colleges, online education, open education, higher education self-study exam and higher education diploma exam.