No one stipulates that as a college student, you must attend the student union, or only attending the student union will show that you are very capable, you are a leader and you are an excellent person. Now many college students have the idea of joining the student union. They don't really want to build a bridge between students, teachers and colleges and do something for students. Many people hold him to join the student union just for the title of a student union member. In order to have more priority and the right to know. So, to a certain extent, today's students have deteriorated.
Joining the student union is also a test of your ability to deal with interpersonal relationships. There will be hundreds of presidents, vice presidents, ministers, deputy ministers and directors in the student union, so how to deal with these people is a very important problem and a time-consuming and laborious thing. So if you are not very good at interpersonal communication and are not so smooth, you should consider it. And you are not interested in this and don't like dealing with others. You'd better refuse. If you don't refuse now because of face, when you really take over the job in the future, you will be reluctant to do it and won't do it well. You might as well leave the opportunity to others and do what you like.
Of course, be sincere and tactful when you refuse. After all, letting you take over is a recognition of your work ability and attitude. You still have to thank them for discovering your strengths.