If you don't pass the final exam of a course every semester, you are failing. You don't have corresponding credits. University is a credit system. If you don't have enough graduation credits, you won't get a degree certificate, only a diploma, which means you pay tuition and register every semester. A degree certificate proves that you have studied and have a corresponding knowledge reserve.
You will have a chance to make-up exams when you start school, but many people will not be able to spend their holidays if they don't review well. At this time, there will be a follow-up exam, that is, your junior will take the exam, and you will follow the exam. But at this time, the difficulty has increased. Because the previous test scores are divided into two parts: the usual grades (the usual classroom performance, generally based on attendance) and the test scores. However, there is only one paper score in the follow-up retake, and how much is it? You should understand that when your grades are normal, as long as you don't leave a bad impression on the teacher, you will live better.
College courses are not sad. It's just that there is no one in the university to supervise you, so many people are completely relaxed. After four years of neglect, knowledgeable people have passed the college entrance examination and become "illiterate" everywhere. It's really embarrassing not to get the certificate.
But the situation is different in different schools. Will the school issue pamphlets similar to the school rules? Anyway, we have them. Just look at them and you'll know.