According to Dutch experts, higher education in the Netherlands includes higher professional education and university education, which are respectively handled by higher professional universities and universities. Higher vocational education trains higher vocational talents, and the teaching content includes both theory and practice. University education bears the responsibility of cultivating high-level talents: graduates should be able to engage in scientific and technological work independently, or have the ability to hold positions that require university education in society. Teachers are also trained by colleges or universities.
In addition to providing higher education, universities also conduct scientific research. After four years of study, Dutch study abroad experts introduced that graduates can further choose: directly engage in research or further pursue doctoral degrees. College graduates get an engineer or bachelor's degree. Students who graduate from universities may get an engineer or a master's degree according to their major.
The Netherlands includes more than 10 comprehensive universities and more than 60 higher professional universities:
research university
erasmus university rotterdam
Nijmegen University
Groningen National University
Delft University of Technology
Eindhoven Technical University
Leiden University
maastricht university
universiteit twente
Utrecht University
University of Amsterdam
Vantilburg University
vrije universiteit amsterdam
wageningen universityen research centrum
University of Nimbus
Applied university
AKI, Akademie voor Beeldende Kunst (Academy of Fine Arts; Design scheme)
University of Amsterdam
Zi theological college
Christian university
Drista Christian High School
Christian university
University of North Holland
Christian School of Constantine Huygens
Wendersheim Christian High School
Eindhoven School of Design
Fontys Hojeskron
Gerrit Rietveld college
Haig University
Hanzehogg School, Van Groningen
There's den Bosch
Alkmar University
Brabant University
Khost University
Campel high school.
Delft University
Hogeschool Diedenoort
Domstad University
Drenthe high school
Edith Stein College of Higher Learning
Enschede high school.
Hallam University
University of Holland
Ezeiland University
Amsterdam/Alkmar University
Leiden University
Limburg University
maastricht university
erasmus university rotterdam
Hodge School-Hertogenbosch
University of Amsterdam
Van Arnhem University in Nijmegen
Van Bearden Kunsten High School
Van Utrecht University
Utrecht University
Amsterdam School of Economics
Rotterdam School of Economics
The Music School of Rotterdam Theatre
Zeeland University
The Hague institution of higher learning
Ichthus Hogeschool
international college
International College Psychotherapy' Thim van der Laan'
Lalenstein International Agricultural School
Iselinge, School of Education
Katholieke PABO Zwolle
NHTV international university
University of Loire den
Marnix College
RK higher technical school
Rotterdamse model college
Van Hall Institute
Introduction of Dutch higher education system and study abroad institutions