The scene of a father guarding his doomed child is unusual, but heartbreaking. Niu Niu, an unfortunate and happy daughter, left quietly after 562 days in this strange world with her attachment and yearning for the world and her parents' double love, in her father's repeated desperate prayers. Multiple retinoblastoma is a terminal disease with an incidence of only one in ten thousand, but this one in ten thousand misfortune happened to fall on the lovely Niu Niu, which became 100% of this unfortunate family.
Whether we like it or not, there is such a thing as despair in the world!
Niu Niu was diagnosed with terminal illness shortly after her birth, and spent a short time with this terminal illness for one and a half years. In this book, Zhou wrote down the loveliness and pity of his daughter Niu Niu, the love and sadness of raising her daughter in the shadow of death, and the thoughts beside the cradle and grave. For the author and his wife, Niu Niu's story is the most beautiful and tragic story in their lives.
One-and-a-half-year-old Niu Niu shook her little hand, sighed lightly, stopped breathing and left this world. The most affectionate Zhou, with his pen, kept the mood of caring for his daughter in the shadow of death after spending 562 days and nights with Niu Niu. Velco's three-dimensional and imaginary line drawing illustrations make people feel that Niu Niu is at your fingertips.