Student loans bear interest every year. Only during college, these benefits are compensated by the state, that is, the state pays you, and you don't have to pay. After graduation, the state will no longer compensate. You need to pay on time and pay it off within six years at most after graduation. Some people go directly to graduate school after graduation, and they have to fill out an extension contract, that is, they will start to pay back the money after graduation. The interest during the postgraduate study period is also compensated by the state. Pay it off within three years after graduation. Go to college with peace of mind, don't worry about these little things. Study hard and exercise your abilities in all aspects. It is not difficult to pay off the loan after graduation, if you find a stable job.
2. During my college years, I got a national student loan of 6000 yuan every year, totaling * * * 12000 yuan. How much interest do I have to pay every year after graduation?
After graduation, when you repay the loan, the interest will be paid by the students themselves. (2005.02.23 14: 10) ... If the university tuition is far greater than 6000 yuan/year (the maximum annual loan amount stipulated by the national student loan), ...
3. Does the student loan need interest?
If there is interest, although you don't need to pay interest during school, you need to pay interest after graduation. I. Definition of National Student Loan National student loan is a credit student loan provided by the government and financial institutions to students with financial difficulties in colleges and universities to help solve tuition and accommodation expenses during their school days. The national student loan interest rate shall be based on the benchmark interest rate of the same grade in the same period announced by the People's Bank of China, and shall not rise. The national student loan interest of the loan students during their school days is paid by the finance, and the interest after graduation is paid in full by the borrower. In order to encourage financial institutions to undertake national student loans and establish a loan risk sharing mechanism, finance (universities) will give certain risk compensation to the handling banks. The national student loan is a credit loan. Students do not need to apply for loan guarantee or mortgage, but they must promise to repay on time and bear relevant legal responsibilities. According to the different application places and work processes of students, national student loans are divided into two modes: national student loans in schools and credit student loans in students' places of origin. Full-time college students are not allowed to apply for national student loans and student-origin credit student loans repeatedly in the same academic year, and they can only choose to apply for one of them. In principle, full-time graduate students apply for national student loans on campus. Second, you need to pay interest after graduation. 1. During school: the national student loan enjoys the financial discount policy, and the borrowing students do not need to pay interest. If you are an undergraduate or an undergraduate, you don't need to pay interest during this period as long as you apply for a loan extension. 2. After graduation: After graduation, students need to start paying interest. There is usually a two-year grace period after graduation. During this period, students only need to pay interest, and they need to repay the principal and interest from the third year. Reminder: the national student loan has interest, but the interest is free during students' study, and only after graduation. It is undoubtedly wrong to understand the national student loan as an interest-free loan. Three. Calculation of interest after graduation. After graduation, according to the contract, the benchmark interest rate of RMB loans of the same grade in the same period announced by the People's Bank of China will be implemented, and it will not rise. Therefore, the current loan interest rate is: 1, within six months (including six months): interest rate 4.35%2, six months to one year (including 1 year): interest rate 4.35%3, one to three years (including three years): interest rate 4.75%4, three to five years (.
4. Do you need to pay interest on the postal student loan after graduation?
Student loans do not need interest within a certain period of time, and interest will be paid after the prescribed period.