It's really hard to choose, but at least try it once! If you can pass the exam smoothly, then take it! After you have passed the exam, because you are older than others, you should know the importance of studying and study harder. When you graduate, you will be more mature than your classmates, and you will have your advantages in employment. As for finding someone to get married, I think once the job is solved, everything else can be said. If you haven't figured out where to go after graduation, don't think about it yet.
If you can't pass the exam, you can study in other ways, such as self-study exams and correspondence. It is relatively difficult to graduate from the self-study exam, but what you have learned is relatively solid. These qualifications are also recognized if you take the civil service exam.
Fight for a year, come to the last battle at this time next year! Wish you success!