Yang Tao's Educational Research
Lecture and research direction: lecture content: analytical chemistry, basic chemical analysis, experimental research direction: scanning probe morphology analysis, research representative papers on the interaction between nanomaterials and biomacromolecules: Yang Tao, Wei Gang, Niu Li, Li Zhuang, Construction of aniline -DNA composite nanowires and polyaniline nanowires using DNA as a template, Journal of Chemistry of China University, 2006 (SCI influences the shadow Yang Tao, CoCo Lee, biomacromolecules in. Yang Tao, Dong Zhu, Application of Scanning Probe Microscope in the Study of Conductive Polymers, Applied Chemistry 2006. Scientific research project: 1. Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province: "Scanning Probe Microscopy Study on the Effect of Nanoparticles on the Molecular Structure and Function of protein", RMB 30,000.00 Yuan. Hebei University introduced talents to start the fund project: "Self-assembly of biomolecules" 3. Baoding scientific research development plan project:.