Major setting of Central University of Japan:
1. Department
Department of Law: Law, International Business Relations, Politics.
Department of Economics: Department of Economic Information System, Department of International Economics, Department of Public Environmental Economics.
Business sectors: management, accounting, commerce, trade and finance.
Department of Literature: Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Science and Technology: Mathematics, Physics, Urban Environment, Precision Mechanics, Electrical and Electronic Information Communication, Applied Chemistry, Management System, Information Engineering, Life Science and Human Comprehensive Science and Technology.
Comprehensive Policy Department: Policy Science Department and International Policy and Culture Department.
2. University
Legal research section: specializing in public law, civil law, criminal law, international enterprise relations law and political science.
Economics research department: specializing in economics
Business Studies: Business Studies Major
Literature Research Department: Specializing in China literature, English studies, independent literature, Buddhist literature, China language and culture, oriental history, western history, philosophy, sociology and psychology.
Science and engineering research department: majors are mathematics, physics, urban environment, precision engineering, electrical and electronic information and communication engineering, applied chemistry, management system engineering, information engineering and information security science.
Comprehensive policy research section
Public policy research section
Strategic management research section