The location of Liuyuan is a little high, which can be said to be halfway up the mountain, but it is good to get used to climbing mountains.
In addition, other dormitory areas have televisions, but Liuyuan does not. Other dormitories have separate bathrooms, and Liuyuan is public. However, because there are many public toilets and bathrooms, they are not crowded. Because they are public, there is no need to clean them. This is possible. Even so, the school treats all dormitories equally. As for Liuyuan, except for four people, all dormitory accommodation costs 600. But the beds and cabinets are new and of good quality, and they won't squeak. But some dorms use old beds. It is not clear whether they use wooden cabinets. Depending on your luck, most of them are eight people and sixteen rooms. The reason is that we guessed that we forgot to build the toilet at that time, and found it difficult to insert it between the dormitories, because there were six rooms near the toilet. Haha, just kidding.
Liuyuan is smaller than other dormitory areas, and the dormitory is also small, with good lighting. Even if you live in the shade, you won't feel dark, which is an advantage.
Below is the "magnificent" pomegranate garden.