It's not easy to get into college, so don't delay getting your diploma because of the ease of college. Although universities are free, they can't do everything and delay their studies.
University's resistance to obtaining diplomas;
1. Skip classes and do things that violate school rules.
In high school, no one dares to skip class. As long as you don't come to class, call your parents or suspend classes immediately. Management is very strict, but going to college is different. The teacher's management is relatively loose, and students begin to become presumptuous, skip classes, let others answer for them, violate some regulations, and don't come home at night.
These things not only affect our application for various scholarships, but also affect whether we can graduate after these things are recorded in the file, so for our undergraduate certificate, we should restrain ourselves and stop doing these things.
2, excessive play games, mobile phones
University teachers are not very strict about mobile phones. Unlike high school, cell phones are not allowed. Therefore, many students started playing games and mobile phones, chasing dramas day and night, not attending classes or participating in extracurricular activities, and started playing mobile phones as soon as they had time.
It is a problem to damage your eyes for a long time, and it will also affect your mood, so that you will slowly derail your school and study. Four years of college will be wasted and you will learn nothing.