The Hidden Secret is a modern romance novel serialized by the author Zhu in Jinjiang Literature City. It tells the story of a surly girl, Sangzhi, who began to secretly love a black-bellied youth from the age of 13, and finally got her wish. The book was published by Qingdao Publishing House in April 2020.
Introduction of works
/kloc-When he was 0/3 years old, Sangzhi secretly loved a 20-year-old brother. This big brother is cold and lazy, and he talks lazily. He often comes to her house and plays games in her brother's room all afternoon. Occasionally, I saw her come in to deliver fruit snacks. She just casually lifted her eyelids and smiled like an elf: "What's the matter with you, son?" I blush at the sight of my brother. "
Brief introduction of the author
Zhu Ji, the signing author of Jinjiang Literature City, has a relaxed and funny writing style. His writing types are mostly based on modern romance, mostly unrequited love articles. Representative works include: I can't hide it secretly, I can't coax it, I have a crush on cream, she is very ill, and I lost to love.