This' than' word is related to the above division! Don't insist on meaning!
. Blake not only put forward the concept of "specific heat", but also was recognized by physics as the founder of thermodynamics. After careful observation and in-depth study of thermal phenomena, he pointed out for the first time that heat and temperature are two different concepts, which solved many problems that have puzzled people for a long time. Because Blake found that when the water in the distiller becomes steam, although it absorbs heat, the temperature remains the same; On the contrary, steam condenses into water and gives off the same heat. When studying heat conduction, he found that when two different substances with the same weight but different temperatures are mixed together, their temperature changes are different. Later, he put forward the concept of "latent heat", that is, the heat absorbed or released by the change of material state when the temperature is constant. Moreover, he also explained the phenomenon of friendly matches with the popular "heat theory" about the nature of heat at that time. He believes that heat consumption only establishes a quasi-chemical combination between heat mass and material particles, thus changing the state of the material without raising its temperature, so that a large amount of heat mass is hidden in steam and released only when the state changes reversely, that is, heat mass is hidden in liquid and steam. Due to the outstanding contributions of Blake and his contemporary scientists, a new branch of "Thermology" has gradually developed in the field of thermodynamics since the middle of18th century. It puts heat on a quantitative orbit, and distinguishes heat and temperature as two different physical quantities for the first time, although the concept of heat is based on the wrong "heat theory". Before this, it was still vague whether the thermometer only indicated "heat" or "heat". In short, by the 1980s, the basic concepts of heat-temperature, heat, heat capacity, specific heat, latent heat, etc. Has been established. A calorimetric device was made and the mixed calorimetry method was improved. These achievements not only promote the rapid development of thermal theory, but also further intensify the debate about the nature of heat. Blair made an indelible contribution to the establishment of heat.