In fact, in recent years, whenever a new college or major is opened in a university, the first year of enrollment is to make profits for students, which is the case every year, but many people are afraid to fill in for fear. For example, in Tsinghua University, the admission score of logistics engineering and management was only 205 last year. The first-year MPAcc score of Xinjiang University is only 165, which is close to the national line (national line 175, area B 10). Some friends may not know what the score of 165 is. Let's just say that a few years ago, a friend and sister took the postgraduate entrance examination, and a classmate and friend got a score of 170, which was severely criticized by the teacher. The teacher said that even if you don't review, you will get 180 points. In the 202 1 postgraduate entrance examination, there are still schools such as Northwestern Polytechnical University, Southeast University and Xiamen University that are eligible for admission. This shows how high the cost performance ratio of the new major in the new college is.