be engaged
Public relations of occupiers
October m.
On pron. human
Onze number. eleven
Option F. Select
United Nations elective course
O' kangji or
Yes, yes.
Workers, workers
Open it.
Pain m. bread
A small team of people in pain
Palace m. palace
Paquet M. Bagh
Parpré p. Adoption ...
Park park
Park. because
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Parents m.pl parents; family
Paris. Paris
Pahlavi, talk to me.
Participer(à) v.t.ind participates.
Leave partir v.i
Pasadv。 no
Pastu Tulok. Not at all.
V.i. passed
Sepasser v.pr occurs
Patyna v.i skating.
Pavillon m. building/pavilion, pavilion, hut
Painting, painting
During the pendant process ...
Don't you? the Santa Claus
Little Roland.
Peugeot m.
a little bit
Loosen it a little, a little.
Putra Dreyfus. Maybe.
Philosophy F.
Photo F. Photo
Piè ce F. room
Mottled meter feet
Petrock. go for a walk
The square is at the foot of …
Placard m.closet
Beach, seashore
Plaire(à) v.t.ind makes me like it.
What are you going to do? Please don't.
Pleashir Hapi
Avec plaisirloc。 gladly
Plate, plate
Pleurer told me to cry.
It is raining.
It's raining.
Plus adv
except ...
Prut? More specifically, quite a lot.
Poche F. pocket
Poisson m. fish
Apple fruit
Pig m. pig; pork
Porter v.t. is wearing it. Take it.
Put forward (a question)
Possibility F.
post office
Postal m station
Chicken; Chicken (as food)
Pour coffee for ...
Pouvoir v.t tank
Resume of the previous president
Prester (SE) (VERS) V.PR. Pounced; rush at
Prefer, prefer
Prime minister.-first.
Prendre v.t put it; Take (bus) or (road)
A street
Prender motor co
be all set
Adv near Pres
Near prepper square.
Presqueadv。 almost
Come on.
Are you ready?
Scheduled, scheduled
Prieer vat application
Paris Spring Department Store Spring
Professor M, a teacher
Scheme m
progrés m . progress
Progress Expo
Promener(se) v.pr Walking
Promettre v.t promises
Proposer v.t. suggested.
Puysev. then
What time? At the time of …
Quarant number. forty
A quarter. one quarter
Leave in a quarter of an hour
Quatorze number Roman numerals 14
Four digits. four
Quatre-vingts number. eighty
Quatre-vingt-dix number. ninety
Yes, it's your fault. What?
Quirrell. What's it like?
Quirk chose Prone. Something, something
Some, some
Soon. someone
Question F.
Queue F. tail/team
Question F.
Queue F. tail/team
Soon. Who is it?
Number five. fifteen
Soon. What (things, things)
It's okay. You're welcome.
The conversationalist tells
Hurry, Hurry!
Call again
hard to come by
Copy that, copy that.
Ré chaud m. stove
Give up work again
Look, look
F area
Renault Renault
Rentrer v.i, come back,
A meal, a meal
The answer.
Rest, rest
Respect, respect
Resembrer (à) v.t.ind is similar to. ...
I'll stay, stay.
The speed of reducer (de) v.i (clock) is slow.
Ré veillon m. Dinner (on Christmas Eve); Family reunion dinner on New Year's Eve
Revenir v.i, come back,
Revised F. Review
Goodbye, I won't see you again.
Bye, bye.
Rien pron。 It's nothing.
Liz rice, rice
r? Ti m. barbecue
Rougir v.i turns red (color)
Lule told me to go out; Drive (a vehicle) and go by car.
F steet
Saison F. season
Salle F. room
Salur Witt ...
Salut m. Greetings (vulgar language) Hello!
Sanspree didn't.
Abies assapin
Savoir v.t knows
A performance, a performance, duration
Grab num. sixteen
Stay; sitting room
A week, a week.
Sentir v.i exudes ...
Bon sent smells good!
Feeling, feeling
September. seven
Service m. service
Serve, serve, serve.
Only, only
Si conj。 if
19th century
Signal m. physical characteristics
Six numbers. six
s? Your sisters.
Soir m. at night
evening party
Soixante. sixty
Soixante-dix number seventy
Sohler Sun
Sleep, drowsiness
Avoir sommeil dozed off
The top of sommet m.
His (her, it)
I'm out.
Station f station
F. Statue
Suffire v.i is enough.
Swiss Bank Corp
Sujet m. theme
Ausujet de loc。 About ..
Sur Prey is up there. ...
s? There is no doubt about it.
be late
After plustald
Tas heep
Detash de mado
Tasso cup
Taxi m taxi
Soon. you
Telecom telephone company
tele phoner v . I Call。
television company
Gentle Tempé ré
Temps m. time; Tissot
Temporary. adverb
Hold on, hold on.
Earth house
Toi pron。 you
Wash and dress
I fell down.
t? Good morning.
Tour m. rotate works in shifts
Turner turns vertically.
Please pay attention. all
All of them, all of them
Sudden coup
A completely failed trip.
Tout de même is still, still.
Traditional f tradition
Train m. pace/ train
QCH's train ) doing something.
Work, labor
The laborer sued me for work, labor
Treize num. Roman numerals 13
Trent number. thirty
Very very
Melancholy, sad
Number three. thirty
trackless trolley
Tropadv。 also
Trouver v.t found out that he felt
Se trouver is located
Hello. you
one person
One autumn after another.
F university
American factory
New calf
The eve of Wavell.
Weiluo mi bicycles
Friday, Bendredi.
Come on, Venir v.i
air conduit
Toward, approach
Video a.inv recording
M village
FM city
Vingt num。 twenty
Visit F. Visit
Visitor; Visit
Viteav。 Let's go
Life of Vivre V.
Voilà pré p. Here is; (modal particle look)
Voir v.t saw it.
Voisin-e n neighbors
Votre, vos a. yours, yours
Willing, wanting
Hello. You, you
Voyage m.
Voyager v.i travel
Over there
yeux(? Il) m.pl eyes
Zutingjie. (vulgar) Come on! Damn it! out of luck
Daily expression
Good morning: hello, drinks.
Good evening: Bonsoir stretches his socks to drink.
Goodbye: Goodbye, oh, dancing and drinking.
Hello/goodbye (spoken, between generations): salut San Donkey
See you tomorrow: Admin Adelman
I love you: I love you. Is it boring?
Excuse me: I'm Soleil. I'm tired of getting (dei)zo.
Pattons. Bahe east
Excuse me. Axe (Song Yu) is a thief.
Never mind: Pass grave. Bagohau
Thank you, thank you. Maihe (Siyi)
You're welcome: Drian. German black sample
See you later: Bon voyage, read Da Le Ho.
How are you doing? -Comments? Veterans administration. Are you busy at work?
Fine, thank you.-Fine, thank you. Taibian, Maihe (41)
Good appetite! (used to say goodbye before lunch): Bon appétit! Which cup should I put in?
Comments? Veterans administration. How are you?
There's nothing better. That's great.
A boume? Have you been very proud recently?
What is new? How are you doing?
Nice to meet you. Wow, you're alive?
A roll? Li Shun, right?
Yes Worse.
Did you come? A: Almost.
Kuzi.-Ku? A: Just so-so.
I am in summer. It's terrible.
I want to drink some beer. One thing bothers me.
A fort of va pas. Progress is not smooth
Pas super。 Not so good.
Bof。 Stop saying O(∩_∩)O~