International economy and trade, finance, e-commerce, economics, insurance and financial engineering.
International School of Business Administration
Marketing (international marketing), accounting, business administration, financial management, human resource management, logistics management (international logistics and transportation), logistics management (supply chain logistics management), taxation.
school of law
Law (law), law (civil and commercial law), law (international economic law), diplomacy, international politics.
College of English Education
Pedagogy (English education)
School of Information Science and Technology
Computer science and technology, software engineering, network engineering, statistics, mathematics and applied mathematics (financial mathematics and actuarial science), information management and information system,
School of Politics and Public Administration
Administration, public management, applied psychology and social work.
School of Journalism and communication
News (international news), advertising, broadcasting and hosting.
college of art
Music performance, dance, musicology (art management), art design
With these majors, I hope it will help you!