Pronunciation: English [l? g? zū? NDR]; Beauty [l? g? z? ndri? ]
Interpretation: Alexander; Alexander; Alexander; Alexandria
Similar phrases: Alexandria Egypt Alexandria Egypt
Alexandria Old Port Alexandria Old Port
University of Alexandria
Bilingual example
For example, The Alexandria Library in Virginia (The? Alexander? The library has 35,000 kinds of e-books and 450,000 kinds of printed books.
That? Alexander? Library? Are you online? Virginia? Really? 35,000? Numbers? Title? vs? 450,000? Are you online? Print? For what? For example.
Mr Alexander is not ashamed to show his ambition.
Sir? Alexander? Is it? Isn't it? That? The slightest? Bit? Shy? About what? His? Ambition.
In order to give birth to Alexander, she gave up her studies.
She? Did you give it? Up? She? Study? Where to? Really? Alexander.