It has always been emphasized in the Gospel of John that a born-again Christian cannot sin.
The Bible severely criticized:
Jn. 1: 3:6 Whoever abides in him does not sin. Everyone who commits a crime has never seen him or known him. Children, don't be tempted by others; A righteous man is a righteous man. Just as the Lord is righteous. People who commit crimes belong to the devil, because the devil has committed crimes from the beginning. The Son of God appeared to destroy the devil's works. Whoever is born of God does not sin, because the seed of God exists in him. He can't sin either, because he was born by God. From then on, it shows who is the child of God and who is the child of the devil. Whoever does not do good does not belong to God. The same is true of people who don't love their brothers.
Just because there is no crime here doesn't mean there is no fault. It's not that you won't fall for the devil's trick, but you won't commit your habitual known crime! People born of the Holy Spirit don't commit crimes, so do we often commit habitual known crimes? See what you like? Do what you like? Is psychology very subjective and often jealous? Are you competitive, argumentative and sad? Can't anyone in this line go? The tongue is not tired of refinement, but what you shouldn't say often hurts? These are obvious crimes. Have we made a promise?
We have committed a crime because we have not been reborn and have no confidence in the crime of the loyal opposition. Regret and not change, but also because there is no sinful mind of loyal opposition. I have no evil mind to be loyal to the opposition, because I can't let go of myself, and I haven't completely entrusted myself to the Lord. Therefore, only by completely letting go of yourself can we have the will to resist crime and be reborn.
Because we leave room and space for ourselves, we leave room for the devil! The devil can continue to make us have disputes and grievances in our hearts; The devil can continue to make us arrogant; The devil can continue to call our hearts not God. The devil can be the master of sinners!
If we don't give up ourselves completely, the inner Tao will be squeezed by secular desires and will not grow. What is the metaphor of sowing?
First of all, we are not fully engaged, because we are not very smart. Mt 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried underground. When people meet it, they will hide it. To sell everything and buy this land happily. When he met a pearl with a high price, he went to sell all his things and bought the pearl. Mk. 6: 5438+00:2 1 Jesus looked at him, loved him, and said to him, you still lack one thing. Go and sell what you have and give it to the poor, and there will be treasure in heaven. You have to come and follow me. Those who love my parents too much are not worthy of being my apprentice, and those who love my children too much are not worthy of being my apprentice. He who does not carry his cross and follow me is not worthy to be my disciple.
Matt 22: 13 So the king said to the servants, Tie his hands and feet and throw him into the darkness. People will cry and gnash their teeth. Because many people are called, few people are elected. A self-sacrificing person must speak and act according to the Lord's command and style. It must be someone who listens to the Lord Jesus and does it You must sacrifice your life for justice. Mar 8:34 So Jesus called all the people and his disciples and said to them, If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. I am no longer alive, but Christ lives in me. Now I live in the flesh because I believe in the Son of God, who loves me and gives himself up for me. Gradually reduce 4: 12 Dear brothers, don't be surprised when you are tested, but rejoice (as if something unusual happened). For you have suffered with Christ, so that you may be glad when his glory appears. Blessed are you if you are reviled because of the name of Christ. For the glorious spirit of God dwells in you. Let none of you suffer for killing, stealing, doing evil or meddling. Pet. 4: 16 If you suffer for Christians, don't be ashamed. But glorify God in this name. Matt 5: 1 1 Blessed are you if people insult you, persecute you and fabricate all kinds of bad things to slander you because of me. Too 10:39 He who gains life loses it. He who dies for me will die. Watch out for the crowd. Because they will hand you over to the guild and whip you in the synagogue. And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake as a witness to them and to the Gentiles.
Mt 10:22 and you will be hated by all because of my name, but those who endure to the end will be saved. Matt 24:9 And they will trouble you and kill you. And you will be hated by all nations because of my name. At that time, many people would fall, frame each other and hate each other.
Believing in Jesus is extremely expensive, don't believe it!