Psychology of Huazhong Normal University ranks 9th among the national psychological colleges, and it is a popular college with a large number of applicants and fierce competition.
Psychology of Huazhong Normal University is a self-proposition, and the comprehensive examination of 707 psychology major is as follows:
General psychology? Peng Yuling? Beijing Normal University Press (4th Edition)?
Experimental Psychology (2nd Edition) Zhu Ying? Peking University Publishing House?
Modern Psychology and Educational Statistics (3rd Edition) Zhang Houcan Beijing Normal University Press.
Measurement Psychology Dai Haiqi Higher Education Press
Psychology and educational metrology. Zheng Richang? People's Education Press
Master of applied psychology exam 347 comprehensive psychology major, the bibliography is as follows:
"General Psychology" (fourth edition) Peng Yuling? beijing normal university publishing house
Psychology and life? Richard Grieg [America] philip zimbardo?
Developmental Psychology (2nd Edition) Lin Chongde? beijing normal university publishing house
Social Psychology (3rd Edition) Hou Yubo? Peking University Press
Experimental psychology? Guo Xiuyan, proofread by Yang Zhiliang? People's Education Press
Personality psychology? Yanxubei Normal University Press
Theory and practice of psychological counseling? Jiang Guangrong Higher Education Press
Qian, editor-in-chief of Abnormal Psychology, Peking University Publishing House.
Management Psychology Che Liping Wuhan University Press
Experimental Psychology (Second Edition) is published by Zhu Ying Peking University Publishing House.