Naked loan means that when borrowing money, the borrower holds a naked photo of his ID card instead of an iou. In the event of default, the lender forces the borrower to repay the loan by exposing nude photos and contacting the borrower's parents. Naked photos themselves are not articles and cannot be used as collateral. Even as collateral, such mortgage behavior is invalid because it is illegal. Lending treasure naked loan refers to using naked photos of the borrower's ID card instead of IOUs when borrowing money. "Naked loan" is worthy of attention —— Female college students use nude loans. In the event of default, the lender threatened to expose nude photos and contact the borrower's parents, forcing the borrower to repay.
Some borrowers who have no repayment ability take risks to borrow usury from lending gangs in order to obtain loans. Lending gangs privately negotiate lending rates with borrowers, asking borrowers to "take nude photos" and use some internet finance and social tools as platforms and excuses to complete illegal usury lending.
Afterwards, the parties overdue in the case of knowing the consequences, causing the creditors to put pressure on them with nude photos. This kind of behavior is extremely irrational and irresponsible to oneself. The transactions of usury gangs are nominally conducted on the Internet platform. In fact, it is a personal agreement, and private transactions are often subject to private agreements and bypass supervision.
Yi Shenghua, director of the criminal department of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, said that legally speaking, these women who pass their nude photos to others are themselves spreading obscene articles, and their behavior also constitutes a crime. If they find that others are using their nude photos for profit, they can report the case to the public security organ, or they can negotiate with each other to inform each other that their actions are illegal and ask them to stop spreading. Yi Shenghua explained, "Naked photos themselves are not items, so they cannot be used as collateral. Even as collateral, this mortgage behavior is invalid because it is illegal. "