The film was directed by Pixar director Dan Scanlon (Dan? Scanlon), English version by Hollywood comedian Billy crystal (Billy? Crystal), john goodman (John? Goodman), while the Chinese version invited Xu zhēng and He Jiong from China to dub.
The animated feature film Monster Company 2 14 produced by Disney Pictures and Pixar Studio recently exposed two preview posters for the first time. In American posters, two monster friends stand on a bunch of strange textbooks in baseball costumes, while Thai posters are more interesting. Seeing the bunk beds of monsters, is it a little familiar to go back to college?
In "Monster Company 2", our good friends "Hairy Monster" Sullivan and "Big Eye" Mike will take us back to the strange monster world and their college days, understand the tortuous process of their acquaintance from never buying each other's accounts to becoming close friends, and experience the joy and touch brought by the birth of precious friendship.