Active in the patent office, where he is a "third-class technical expert", Albert is worried about his mother. She is getting older and weaker. She disapproves of his marriage, mileva. The relationship is tense. Ye Wei glanced at the passing shop window. His hair was a mess, and he forgot to comb it again.
Work. Family. Make ends meet. Albert felt the pressure and responsibility of all young husbands and fathers.
In order to relax, he completely changed physics.
Right: Young Einstein is in the patent office. [more]
Four years ago, at the age of 26, he got a job as a physics professor. 1905, Einstein published Leisure Time, the most important document in the history of science, in his works, which proved the existence of atoms and molecules. Before 1905, scientists were not sure. He believed that light spots (later called "photons") laid the foundation of quantum mechanics. He described his special theory of relativity: the lines of space and time are in the same fabric, and he proposed that they can be bent, stretched and twisted.
Oh, fashion, E = MC2.
Before Einstein, last year, scientists had a creative explosion, Sir isaac newton. This happened in 1666, when Newton lived alone on his mother's farm to avoid the plague that broke out in Cambridge. With nothing to do, he developed his theory of gravity.
For centuries, historians have called 1666 Newton "the year of miracles". Now, these words have different meanings: Einstein and 1905. The United Nations declared 2005 as the "Year of World Physics" to celebrate the birth of Einstein's Bacillus100th anniversary. Next month, Nobel Prize winners and other top scientists will meet with the public to discuss Einstein's work. Do you want to join them? )
Einstein described modern pop culture as a super thinker with thick hair. We were told that his idea was unlikely to be put forward by other scientists. He must have come from another planet-perhaps the same Newton.
"Einstein had no aliens," said Peter Galison, a physicist and science historian at Harvard University, with a smile. "He comes from his time." His 1905 papers all reveal the mixed success and failure of this work and the problems of other scientists. "If Einstein hadn't been born, these papers would have been written in some form, and eventually someone else would have written them," said Galison.
Image above: Thick hair, super thinker ... ordinary people ... or both?