Absent; Not present; No
Absolutely; Absolutely; pure
Definitely ad. Complete; completely
Absorption; Absorb. ; Focus (attention)
Abundant; Abundant; massive
Abuse; Abuse. ; abuse
Academics of the college; academic
Private secondary schools; college
Accelerate; Accelerate. Accelerate; promote
Accelerate; Accelerate; speed up
Stress; Accent; emphasize
Accept; Accept; admit
Approaching; Approaching; Channel entrance
Attachments; Accessories; attachment
Accidental; Accidental; accident
Accidental; Accidental; unimportant
Adapt; Adapt. ; Supply, supply
Accommodation; Entertainment equipment; Book a berth
Accompany; Accompany. Accompany; accompany
Achieve (a goal); accomplish
Consistent. Make consistent; give
Consistent; Consistent; Harmony; prize
Accordingly. Therefore, therefore; according to
Account; Account; Explain; account
Accumulate; Accumulate. Accumulate; Accumulate.
Accuracy; Accuracy; precision
Accurate, correct
Blame. ; attribution
Accustom oneself to
Habitual; habitual
Achievvt。 Complete, realize; reach
Complete; Complete; Achievement, achievement
Acid; Acidity, acidity
Thanks; Understand; acquaintance
Obtain; Get. ; Obtain; acquire
Act VI. Action; Effective behavior
Action; Action; Function; function
Active a. active; active
Activities; Activities; Vigor; behaviour
Actually, ad. Actually; accidentally
Acute condyloma acuminatum; serious
Adaptation; Adapted ; adapt to
Add vt. Add, attach, add
Add; Add; appendage
Address; Address; Speech; Conversation style
Abundant; Enough; Competent
Adjust vt. Adjustment; rectification
Administration; Management; administration department
Admire; Envy. Admire, envy, admire
Allow access; admit
Acknowledge; Admit. Acknowledge; allow ...
Adopt vt. ; Adoption; adopt
Forward vi. Advance; Improve the progress
Advanced a. advanced; high-level
Advantages; Advantages; profit
Adventure; Adventure; Exciting activities
Adverb, adverb
Advertising; Advertising; notification
Wise; Wise; sensible
Advice; Advice. ; Suggestions; notification
Things, events; affairs
Influence; Influence. Influence; touch control
Affection; Love; worship
Affordable. Affordable ...; provide
Agent; Agent; agency
Aggressive; Aggressive; battlesome
Extreme pain
Agree, agree
Agriculture; Agriculture; agriculture
Help, rescue; assistant
Aircraft; aerobat
Airlines; Airlines; Air pipeline
Airport, airport
Panic and anxiety; alarm
Alcohol; alcohol
Allow. Allow, allow; let
Alloy; Alloy; Color quality (of metal)
Alphabet, alphabet
Change. Change, change; Change to-do list
Substitute; Substitute; Choose, choose
Although conj Although, although
Height; Height; important post
On the whole. Complete; all in all
Surprise. Surprise, surprise
Ambition, ambition, ambition
Ambulance; Ambulance; field hospital
In ... In ...
Amount; Total number; Quantity; and
Enlarge; Zoom in. Enlarge, strengthen; develop
Amuse. Entertainment; Provide entertainment for.
Analysis; Analysis. Analyze, decompose, analyze
Analyze, decompose, analyze
Ancestors; ancestors
Anchor, anchor
Angel, angel
Anger, anger. get angry
Angle, angle
Ankle part
Announce; Announce. Announce, announce, publish
Announcer. broadcaster
To annoy. Make angry; hinder
annual report
Anticipate; Expect. Expect, expect, expect
Anxiety; Anxiety; yearn for
Anxious a. worried; yearn for
Anyway, advertising. anyway/no matter what/ in any case
Separate advertisements. Separate; Separate; get rid of
An apartment
Apologize, vi Apologize, apologize, admit your mistake
Apologize, apologize.
Instrument; Instrument; organ
Superficially obvious; obvious
Appeal 6. & ampn. Appeal; condition
Vi appears. Appear; Come; It seems that
Appear, appear; external
Appetite; Appetite; desire
Appliance ['appliance] n.
Applicable a. applicable; appropriate
Application; Application; use
Use vt. Application, implementation and use
Appointment. , appointment; appointment
Dating; Dating; make an appointment
Appreciate; Appreciate. ; Understand; thank
Approaching; Close. The way to ...
Agree; Agree; agree with
Recognition; Yes. Agree; agree with
About, about
Arbitrary a. arbitrary; secret
Architecture; Architecture; style of architecture
Argument; Debate; reason
Get up. Appear; Caused by ... ...
Arithmetic; arithmetic
Arouse; Arouse Arouse; awake
Arrangement ['arrangement] n.arrangement
Arrest; Arrest. Arrest and detention; prevent
Arrive. Arrive; Arriver
Arrive at vi. Arrive; Coming; reach
Arrow; Arrow; arrowhead
Artificial a. artificial; Exquisite and artificial
Artists; artist
Artistic; Artistic; artist
Ash n. ash, ash powder; bone ash
Ashamed a. ashamed; shameful
fell asleep
Aspects; Aspects; appear
Assemble. Assembly; assemble
Assemble; Assemble; Assembly; assemble
Evaluate (property, etc.)
Distribution; Assignment. ; Distribution; appointment
Task, assigned work
Help; Assist. Come and help; Support sb with one's hands
Assistant; Assistant; assistant
Lenovo vi. Partner, partner.
Association; Group; unite
Suppose. ; Bear; appear
Guarantee; Promise. To persuade; assure ...
Shocked. pleasant surprise
Astronaut, astronaut
Track and field athlete
Atmosphere; Atmosphere; Air; Atmosphere; react
Atmosphere a. atmosphere; atmospheric
Atoms; Particles; Find; to find out
Atomic; Atomic; nuclear
Attach to. Department, department, attached; extra
Attack. & intransitive verb & attack [attack]
Reach. Reach, obtain, complete
Try vt Try vt attempt
Attend. ; Nursing, nursing
Attention; Pay attention; attention
Attentive; Devoted; polite
Attitude; Views; attitude
Attraction; Attraction. ; Attract, entice
Attraction; Attraction; Attraction; gravitation
Attribute vt. attribute to ...
Audience; listeners
Author; author
Authority, official; force
Cars; automobile
Automatic a. automatic; mechanical
Automation; automation
Cars; automobile
Auxiliary a. auxiliary; accessory
Available; Available; universal
Avenue; Avenue; avenue
Average a, average a.
Aviation; aviation
Avoid vt. Avoid, avoid; cancel
Wait. Wait, expect
wake (up)
Reward; Reward; decision
Be aware of
Very ad. Cowardly; very
Clumsy; Clumsy; clumsy
Axe, axe
Axis n. axis, axis; median
Luggage; luggage
Baking. Roast, roast, roast; Burn hard
Balance. Strike a balance; keep balance
Band; Belt; wave band
Loud noise, gunfire; break?into?pieces
Flag, flag, flag
Bar; Bar room; Bars and poles; bar
Barber, barber
Naked; Naked; only
Trading; Deal. Bargaining; trade
Barn; Barn; storehouse
Barrel n n; Cylinder; bucket
Fence, barrier; obstacle
It's basically ad. Basically
Washball; Washball; basin
According to, according to
Racket; Racket; Short stick; bat
Take a bath; Take a bath; bathtub
bathe Take a bath; get wet
Bathroom; bathroom
Battery number; A set, a set
Fighting; Battle; Battle vi. fight
Gulf; Valley.
BC (abbreviation)
Beach, lake beach, river beach
Cross beam; Cross beam; Beam and column
Bean [bean] bean
Bear; Bear; upstart
Endure; Endure. Tolerance; Burden; grow
Beard's beard
Beast; Beast; domestic animal
Defeat. & intransitive verbs hit, knock; beat
Beef. beef cattle
Begging. & intransitive verb seeking; request
Beggars, poor people
Benefit, protection, support
Behave vi. Behave yourself, behave yourself; work
Behavior; Manner; attitude
Existence; Existence; Biology; life
Believe; Believe; Faith; believe
Believe; Believe. Believe; think
Bell, bell, doorbell; ring
Belong to vi. Of or belonging to.
Beloved, beloved ...
Belt; Belt; Belt; administrative region
Bench; Bench; working table
Bend. bend
beneath ...
Interests; Benefits; Elegant; allowance
Berries (such as strawberries). )
close/immediate/next-door neighbour ...
Besides, in addition to ...
Bet. & intransitive verb & bet
Betrayal. Betrayal; Live up to; gaping holes
Beyond preparation. On the other side of … ...
The Bible, the Christian Bible
Bill; Bill; Poster; bill
A billion dollars. Trillion pounds
Bound; Bound Binding; Bandage; restrain
Biology; Biological ecology
date of birth
(British) biscuits; Soft cake
Bite; Bite. Bite, bite, bite; weaken
Bitter a. painful; gelid
Painfully. Painfully; Sadly
Blade; Blade; blade
Blame vt Blame, blame ...
Blankets, blankets, wool blankets
Explosion, explosion.
Flame; Flame; Flash vi burn
Bleeding. Bleeding, bleeding; Lipid secretion
Mix. & intransitive verb & mixed
bless ...
Blind a. blind; blind
Stop. block up
Flowering; florescence
Flowering; Bloom.
Play vi. Blow, blow; blow
Boast. sing one's own praises
Bold; Bold; boldfaced
Bolt; Bolt; Latch the door
Bob, the bomb! ! ! bomb
Connect, connect; Government/public bonds
Bones, bones
Boots. Boots
Booth; A stall; phonebooth
Boundary; Edge; boundary
Boring Bored; Drill, dig
Born; Born; born
Chest; Chest; heart
Boss v. headquarters
Disturb; Disturb trouble
Bounce vi Bounce back; take off
Binding a. affirmation; tie
boundary line
Bow; Bow; bow
Bowl; Bowl; bowl
Box; Box; Packing box; Boxing six
Brain; Brain marrow; intelligence
Brake v. brake v.
Branches; Branches; Division; branch
Brand; Commodity; Carving.
Brandy. Brandy
brass ware
Width and amplitude; width
Breathe. breathe
Variety, variety
Breeze; gentle breeze
Brick, brick; brick
Short; Short; transient
Make bright. Make light; cheer up
Brilliant; Outstanding; excellent
Edge; Edge; edge
Lively; Lively; fresh
Bristles; Bristle; Hair on the pig's neck
England, England
British, Commonwealth
Crispy; Crispy; Easily damaged
Broadcast ['broadcast] n.
Bronze; Bronze; Bronze works
Brooding brooding
Stream, stream
Eyebrows, eyebrows. Eyebrows, eyebrows
Brown [brown]
Bruising; Bruising; bruise
Brush, brush; paintbrush
wild beast
Bubble, boil
Bucket; Bucket; slicker scraper
Bud; Bud; bud
Light bulb; Light bulb; ball
Object, volume, mass
Bull; Bull; bull
Bullets, bullets, projectiles
Bundle, ball, thread; a group of
Bundle, bundle, bundle; burden
Burden; Burden; loading capacity
Bureau, division and office; Society, institutions
Outbreak; Break out. & explosion
Bury; Bury. Bury, bury; bury
Butcher; Butcher; Slaughterer
Butter; Butter; cream
Butterfly's butterfly
Button; Button; Button. fasten
Cabbage cabbage
Cabin; Cabin; Engine room
Cabinet; Cabinet; cabinet
Cable; Cable; Cable; electric cable
Calculate vt. Calculation; Estimate; plan
Calculator, calculator
Calendar; Calendar; Calendar system
Camera; camera
Camping, camp, barracks
Exercise; Battle; sports
Campus, campus
Canal; Canal; Ditches; Pipes/pipes
Cancel; Cancel. Cancel, cancel; delete
Cancer, tumor
Candidate; Candidate; candidates
Candles; Candles; Candles; candle light
Candy; Candy; Sugar crystallization
Cannon; Cannon; howitzer
Canoe, canoe, canoe
Canteen; Canteen; Temporary restaurant
Canvas; Canvas; A canvas
Capable, talented
Ability; Ability; vitality
Capital; Capital; capital
Captain; Captain of the army; captain
Captives; prisoner
Capture; Capture. Capture; take
Carbon. carbon
Care. Be careful, be careful
Occupation; experience
Be careful a. be careful; careful
Goods; goods
Carpenter, carpenter
Carpet, carpet, blanket
Passenger compartment; four-wheeled carriage
Means of transport; vehicle
Carrots, carrots
Carry. ; Carry; transmit
Carving. Carving; cut
Situation; Situation; Facts; situation
Box, box, box, suit
Cash, cash
Cassette tape; chest
Casting; Casting. Throw, throw, throw; throw
Castle; Castle; A huge building
Accidental; Accidental; at will
Directory ['directory] n.
Seize; Hold on. ; Catch up; Understand; understand
Cathedral; Ordinary church; cathedral
Livestock, livestock
Reason; Reason; undertaking
Cave, cave, cave
Stop. & intransitive verb & stop, stop
Ceiling, ceiling
Celebrate. ; Praise, praise
Cell; Cell; cell
A cellar
Cement; Cement. cohere
Central a. Central; primary
Center; Center; Central concentration
Century; century
Ceremony; Ceremony; politeness
Definitely ad. Affirmation, affirmation; of course
Inevitability; Necessity; of course
Certificate, certificate, license
Chain. Chain, chain, collar
Challenge; Challenge; Demand, need
Meeting room; Room; cavity
Champion; Winner
Opportunity, opportunity; possibility
Change, change; change
Strait; Channels; channel
Chapter, chapter, chapter.
Character; Character; Characteristics; Character; function
Characteristic, characteristic
Charge. Asking price; Sue for reimbursement of expenses
Charities; charitable
Charming, lovely
Chart; Chart; sea chart
Chase, chase.
Cheap a. cheap; serious
Cheat. Cheating; Deceive sb.
Check. ; Stop checking
Cheek, cheek
Cheer up; hail
Cheese; cheese
chemical products
Chemist; Chemist; pharmacist
Chemistry; chemistry
Cherry; Cherry; cherry
Chest, chest; chest
Chew. chew
Chicken; Chicken; Birds; Chicken (as food)
Chief a. main presided over the meeting
Childhood; Infantile period; early stage
Children's; Childish
Cold. Make cold
Chimney; Chimney; glass cover
drink a toast
ceramic material
Chocolate; Chocolate; chocolate candy
Select [example]
Asphyxia; Asphyxiation Asphyxia; chock up
Select vt. Choose; prefer
Cut; Chop. Chop, chop; cut up
Christians; Christians; believer
Cigarettes, cigarettes, cigarettes
Cinema; Cinema; Movies, movies
Circuit; Circuit; Circulation; Go around ...
Circle a. circle; Round; circular
Circulation; Circulation. circulate
Perimeter, perimeter
Situation, condition; situation
Citizens; Citizens; Citizen, resident
Civil; civil
Civilization, culture; Become civilized
Civilization. Create civilization; education
Claiming; Declare Claim, claim; ask
clap one's hands
Clarify; Clarify. clarify
Button; Hook; pin
Classic a. classical; Classic
Classification; Classification; Grading; Classification method
Classification; Classification. classify ...
Classmate, classmate
Classroom [classroom] classroom
Claw, claw, claw
Clay; Clay; human body
Cleaning a. cleaning; pure
Clear; Clear. clear
Obviously it's ad. Clearly and clearly
Shop assistant; Shop assistant; Staff, staff
Smart a. smart; resourceful
Cliff, cliff
Climate; Climate; Terrain, area
Climb vi. clamber
Cloak; Invisible clothing; Cover (sth)
Closely. closely
Get dressed. Dress ...
A clue, hint, hint
Clumsy; Clumsy; brainless
Coach Coach [* *]
lump of coal
Coast [region]
Rooster; Male birds; Water supply plug
Code n. standard; Code; password
Coffee ['coffee] n.coffee.
Coil n (1); coil
Coins. Coins; To cast (coins)
Collapse six. Collapse collapse collapse
Collar; collar
Colleague, colleague
Collect; Collect. raise funds
Collect; Collect; collection
Collective a. collective; amount to
College; College; university
Collision; conflict
Colonel of the army; Lieutenant Colonel
Colony; Colony; A place to emigrate.
Color; Color; pigment
Pillar, pillar, cylinder
Comb; Comb. comb
Combination; Combination. chemical combination
Combination; Combination. Combination; combine
Comfortable; Comfortable; Comfort; Comfortable. comfortable
Comfortable, comforting
Command vt Command; control
Comment; Opinions; To annotate ...
Business; Trade; Social contact
Commercial; commercial
Power of attorney; appoint
Submit. Make (mistakes); Do (a bad thing)
Committee; Committee; All members
Common a. common; * * * Same
Usually ad. usually
Communication vi. Communication; Convey; range
Communication; Communication; Convey; traffic
Communist Party member
Community; Associations; primitive commune
Companion; Companion; companion
Company name; companion
Comparative, relative
Compare vt. ; Compare vt. Compare ... to
Comparison; Comparison; similar
Compass; Compass; compass
Forcing; Force Force to yield
Competition vi. Competition; Competition; resist
Capable; What should be done?
Compile. Edit, compile and collect
Complain; Complain; condemn
Complain; Complain; Complain; condemn
Finish a. finish; accomplish
Complete ad. Very thorough
Compound a. combined; complicated
To complicate. To complicate; sediment
Complicated, difficult to understand
Composition; Composition; Points; parcel
Creation. Make up; create
Composition; Composition; Works; writing
compound word
Understand; Understand; include
Comprehensive; Extensive; understand
Compression; Compression. compress
Containment; Contain. Contain, contain; compose
Compromise; compromise
Calculation; Calculate. Calculate, estimate, estimate
Computer; computer
Comrade n, a close partner
Hide. hide ...
Concentrate on; Gather; Focus (attention)
Concentration; Concentration; Focus; Focus (attention)
Concept ['concept] a.
Care; Care; relationship
About preparation. about