In universities, many students do part-time jobs. Some people do this because they are short of money and want to lighten their parents' burden. Some people also want to increase their work experience to help them in their future jobs. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. There are also part-time jobs.
We know that some students are poor, and they want to earn some money to help them with their studies. So it is a good way for them to do part-time jobs. However, if they spend more time making money, it will definitely affect their study, so it is not good for them. Also, some people do part-time jobs not to earn money, but to improve their work experience. Yes, that's good. But by the same token, spending more time on it will also affect their study. If they can't acquire more knowledge, even if they have a lot of experience, the lack of knowledge will affect their work.
Therefore, I think it is good to do part-time jobs, but we should arrange our time reasonably. It is the best way to take part-time jobs without affecting your studies.