The national line is not fixed and floats every year. After the exam, candidates have to wait for the results and the national line to be announced to compare whether their scores meet the requirements. Note that the national line is divided into two categories: area A and area B. Candidates of our school refer to the A-class score line.
2022 Changzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Line
1. For disciplines (majors) that are not separately marked, the retest score line shall not be lower than the basic requirements of the Ministry of Education for candidates entering the national A-level areas for the retest in 2022 (referred to as the "national line"). Full-time and part-time re-examination results of the same professional degree category are the same.
In addition, the two majors of art design (135 108) and electrical engineering (08580 1) must meet the re-examination scores stipulated by our school, and the total score of the initial examination of art design (135 108) must reach 380 or above.
2. Each college determines the list of candidates for re-examination in the form of difference, and the difference ratio is generally not less than 120%. The re-examination list is published on the websites of colleges in time. Before the re-examination, the college will send a specific re-examination notice to the re-examination candidates by telephone or online to ensure that the notice is in place and make a good record of the notice.