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Discussion on some problems of GPS elevation conversion with 9BP neural network. Engineering Survey, 2008( 1). Core journals)
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1 1 GPS height conversion method and normal height calculation. Journal of Institute of Surveying and Mapping 2004(4). (core journals)
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Theoretical research on constructing WebGIS-T information service based on ArcIMS. Journal of east china institute of technology.2007 (1)
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Application of compensated least square method in GPS height fitting and smoothing parameter selection. Mine Survey.2009 (1)
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Design and implementation of 26 Arc SED version management mechanism in water supply network system. Neijiang Science and Technology.2008 (12)
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Realization of online browsing of vector diagram of underground pipeline. Landmine survey in 2005 (2).
Application of neural network based on genetic algorithm in GPS height fitting. Mine Survey in 2004 (2)
Application of genetic neural network based on MATLAB in GPS elevation conversion. Mine Survey in 2006 (3)
Grading and evaluation of urban land. China University of Mining and Technology Press 2003.
Underground engineering survey. Surveying and Mapping Press, 2005