Original text:
Mr. Wang said: I can't learn. Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice and water are cooler than water. Wood is straight in the rope and is considered as a wheel. Although it is violent, it is natural to let it stand still. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, the gentleman is knowledgeable, and he saves himself every day, so he knows clearly without fault.
I've been thinking about it all day. I might as well learn it in a minute. I've tasted it and I'm looking forward to it. Let's go hiking. Climb a trick, the arm does not lengthen, but the person you see is far away; Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, the listener shows. Those who cheat horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave.
The soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain are prosperous; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu. Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. I don't have the advantages of minions, but my bones and muscles are strong. I eat Egyptian soil and drink yellow water, and I also use my heart. The crab kneels eight times and pinches twice. This is not a snake's nest. People who have no sustenance are impatient at heart.
The gentleman said: learning can't stop. Indigo is extracted from bluegrass and bluer than bluegrass. Ice is solidified by water, which is cooler than water. The wood is straight and conforms to the chalk line. If it is bent into a wheel, the curvature of wood meets the standard of roundness. No matter how dry it is, it won't be straight, because it has been processed like this. Therefore, wood can be straightened after being measured with ink lines, and metal products such as swords can be sharpened after being polished on grindstones. A gentleman reads widely and checks himself every day, so he will be wise and his behavior will not be wrong.
I used to think about it all day, but I didn't learn much in an instant. I once stood on tiptoe and looked far away, but it was better to climb high and look far. Climb high and wave, the arm is not longer than before, but others can see it in the distance; Call with the wind, the voice is not as loud as before, but the listener can hear clearly. People with chariots and horses can walk Wan Li Road if they don't walk fast, and people with boats can swim across the river without swimming. The essence of a gentleman is no different from ordinary people, but he is good at using foreign things.
Earth and stone pile up into mountains, and the wind and rain start from here; Water flows into the abyss, and dragons are born from it; Accumulate good deeds and cultivate noble character, then you will reach a high degree of wisdom and you will have the spiritual realm of a saint. Therefore, without the accumulation of half a step, there is no way to reach thousands of miles away; Without the accumulation of tiny flowing water, there is no way to merge into the rivers and seas. The horse jumped less than ten paces; A bad horse can walk for ten days, and its success lies in its constant walking. If it stops after a while, the rotten wood will continue to be carved. Stick to carving and the stone will be carved successfully. Earthworms have no sharp claws and teeth and strong bones and muscles, but they can eat dirt and drink spring water because they are single-minded. A crab has eight feet and two big claws. If there were no caves for snakes and crickets, it would have nowhere to live. This is because of impetuousness.
2. Advise the teacher to speak classical Chinese.
1, interchangeable words:
Wood is straight in the rope, not a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge. "You" means "you". Bake wood with fire to bend it.
Despite the violence. "You" means "you", and then. Adverbs. "violence" and "exposure",
There is nothing wrong with knowing it and doing it. "Knowledge" leads to "wisdom".
The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave. "Life" and "sex" communication. Qualification endowment.
2. Idioms:
Shine on you, persevere and speak up, shattered glass.
Second, "Shi Shuo"
1, interchangeable words:
Teacher, so preach and teach to solve doubts. "Accept" and "Grant"
Either a teacher or not. "No" means "No"
2. Idioms:
In a threesome, there must be a teacher, a teacher who teaches impermanence and a teacher who is good at obedience.
1. Connectives, phrases and clauses can express various relationships.
(a) said the coordinate relationship. Generally, it is not translated, and sometimes it can be translated as "you". For example:
The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. ("Persuade to Learn")
(2) represents a progressive relationship. It can be translated as "and" or "and". For example:
A gentleman is knowledgeable, but he can help himself. ("Persuade to Learn")
3. Advise the teacher to speak classical Chinese.
1, interchangeable words:
Wood is straight in the rope, not a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge. "You" means "you". Bake wood with fire to bend it.
Despite the violence. "You" means "you", and then. Adverbs. "violence" and "exposure",
There is nothing wrong with knowing it and doing it. "Knowledge" leads to "wisdom".
The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave. "Life" and "sex" communication. Qualification endowment.
2. Idioms:
Shine on you, persevere and speak up, shattered glass.
Second, "Shi Shuo"
1, interchangeable words:
Teacher, so preach and teach to solve doubts. "Accept" and "Grant"
Either a teacher or not. "No" means "No"
2. Idioms:
In a threesome, there must be a teacher, a teacher who teaches impermanence and a teacher who is good at obedience.
1. Connectives, phrases and clauses can express various relationships.
(a) said the coordinate relationship. Generally, it is not translated, and sometimes it can be translated as "you". For example:
The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. ("Persuade to Learn")
(2) represents a progressive relationship. It can be translated as "and" or "and". For example:
A gentleman is knowledgeable, but he can help himself. ("Persuade to Learn")
4. Try to persuade students to learn the knowledge points of classical Chinese, and let them bake wood with fire to bend it.
Although there is a violent "you" If you know what you are doing, there is no mistake.
Gentlemen are born different, and they also know "sex", talent and qualification. Flexible use of wooden straight rope in part of speech, thinking it is a wheel.
, using technology. A gentleman is learned, and every day he participates. Nouns are adverbials, every day.
Eat Egyptian soil, drink yellow water and go up; Down, down; Nouns as adverbials. Cheating horses is not good enough; People who pretend to be boatmen must be able to swim and walk fast, using nouns as verbs.
Water, nouns as verbs, swimming. The ancient and modern meaning is 1. Therefore, the wooden rope is straight and ancient: ink line; Meaning: refers to all ropes.
2. The ancient meaning of gold: metal products, this generation refers to metal swords, etc. Modern meaning: gold. 3. A gentleman is knowledgeable and participates in the ancient meaning: stop; Modern significance: exploration and understanding.
4. Pseudo-Maguyi: Virtue; Modern significance: hypocrisy is not true. 5. Claw-free earthworm ancient meaning: claw teeth; Modern meaning: accomplice, running dog.
6. Crab six squats and two squats: legs, crab legs; Today's meaning: bend your legs, make one or both knees touch the ground, and kneel down. Function words are green, taken from the basket, and green is blue.
Yu, preposition. The former introduces the place of action and makes a "slave" speech; The latter introduces the object of comparison and makes comparison.
Another: tyranny is fiercer than tigers; The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave. Preposition, which introduces the object of action, such as "Dao" and "Dao".
People who pretend to be boats can't swim, but they will never reach the river. Person, pronoun
The "writing structure" that constitutes nouns is "writing people". Another; People with Chiang; Auxiliary words, indicating pause, and suggesting the reasons to be said below.
In addition, the Anling people who live in Wulidi have only one husband; However, there is nothing wrong with knowing what it is and doing it. Conjunction and table juxtaposition, not translation.
Another: you will be born with sadness; I think about conjunctions all day, which can be translated as "land": southwest of Wangchi; Those who cheat horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim.
Conjunction means turning point, which is equivalent to "que" and "but". Another: the ship did it, but the sword could not; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared.
The conjunctions indicating inheritance are equivalent to "JIU" and "Sui". The other: Qi Xin works together, then declines and finally runs out; A gentleman is knowledgeable, and he helps himself in the day (indicating progress), but the army is badly shaken (indicating metaphor). Xunzi (about 365438 BC+03-238 BC), a famous Qing, was born in Zhao at the end of the Warring States Period, and was the last representative of Confucianism in the pre-Qin period.
He gave lectures in Qi State, then traveled to Qin State, and served as the commander of Chu Lanling in his later years. Xunzi was a thinker and educator in ancient China, and a master of Confucianism and simple materialism in the pre-Qin period.
He opposed the superstition of destiny and ghosts and gods, affirmed that the laws of nature are not transferred by human will, and put forward the idea that "those who master fate and use it" will conquer nature. He emphasized the role of education and etiquette, advocated that the governance of the world should not only rely on the "legal system", but also pay equal attention to education and etiquette, emphasized the necessity of "doing" for "knowing" and the importance of learning the day after tomorrow, and believed that the acquired environment and education could change human nature.
Xunzi has twenty volumes, written by Xunzi and his disciples. This book developed from the quotations of The Analects of Confucius and Mencius into a title paper, which marked the further maturity of ancient reasoning.
Prose is thorough in reasoning, concise in language, rich in parallelism and good in metaphor. "Encouraging Learning" is Xunzi's first article.
This article is excerpted from the first few paragraphs of the original text. The gentleman said: learning can't stop.
Indigo is extracted from bluegrass, but it is darker than bluegrass. Ice is condensed from water, but it is cooler than water. The wood is straight enough to match the straight ink line. If the wheel is made by painting, its curvature will conform to the compass (drawn circle).
Even if it is dried by the wind and the sun, it can't be straight anymore, because of craftsmanship. Therefore, the wood will be straight when measured with ink lines, and the sword will be sharp when ground on a millstone. A gentleman can learn from others and check himself more every day, so that he can be wise and knowledgeable and have no mistakes in his behavior.
Dreaming all day before is not as good as what I learned in a very short time; I once stood on tiptoe and looked out. It is better to climb high and see widely. Climb high, wave your hands, your arms are not long, but people in the distance can see them; Shouting with the wind didn't get louder, but the listener heard it clearly.
People who use horses and chariots can't walk fast, but they can reach thousands of miles away; People who use boats and paddles can't swim, but they can cross the river. A gentleman's talent is no different from that of ordinary people, but he is good at using foreign things.
Accumulated soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain start from here; The water becomes a deep pool where dragons will grow; Accumulate good deeds.
5. Basic knowledge of classical Chinese in junior high school. When you read an ancient prose, there are several steps: 1. Understand the origin, author, background and style of this article. 2. Basic knowledge can be divided into words and phrases. Words can be divided into sound, shape and meaning. List what you can't do and accumulate it with your heart. The meaning of words can be divided into interchangeable words, ancient and modern meanings, polysemy and flexible use of parts of speech. Related to other ancient prose. Never let go of a word. (You can't always add words. Fourth, content understanding is what this article has written, what is the reason, what feelings it has expressed, what is the meaning of a sentence, the overall structure of the article and so on. Try to figure this out slowly by yourself and explore it in combination with your own literary background, the background of the article and the author's situation. Fifth, expand and extend the knowledge about a certain point of the article. For example, this article is to persuade. You can accumulate some poems and famous sayings that the ancients advised you to study or learn. Ps: Tribal Tiger, this is my own experience in learning ancient Chinese. My Chinese has always been good. Typing is very hard, so >-Finally, I sincerely wish you can learn ancient Chinese well.
6. Persuade to learn classical Chinese knowledge, organize sentence patterns and the like (if you ask a classical Chinese teacher in high school, he says: you haven't learned enough.
Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope and is considered as a wheel. Although it is violent, it won't stand up again. [The car is soft] Let it be natural.
Therefore, the wood is straight and the gold is gravel. A gentleman is knowledgeable and cares about himself every day, so he will know clearly and won't do anything wrong.
So, if you don't climb the mountain, you don't know the height of the sky. Don't go deep and thick [Xigu]; I didn't know the greatness of learning until I heard the words of my late king. The son of Yu Yue, a barbarian, was born with the same voice, long but different in customs, and taught naturally.
The poem says, "Dear Sir, there is no constant rest. Jing Gonger, goodness is integrity.
Listen to God and you will be blessed. "God is greater than Tao, and joy is greater than harmlessness.
I've been thinking about it all day. I might as well learn it in a minute. I'm looking forward to it after tasting it. It's better to look at it from a height.
Climbing a mountain, the arm is not lengthened, but the person you see is far away. Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, the listener shows.
People who cheat horses are not only profitable, but also cause thousands of miles. People who make fake boats can't make water, but neither can they make rivers.
The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave. There is a kind of bird in the south, called "Mongolian pigeon". It takes feathers as its nest, but it is woven with hair and tied with reeds.
When the wind breaks, the egg broken child dies. The nest is endless, but so are the people connected with it.
There is a kind of wood tree in the west called "Shegan". Its stem is four inches long, born in the mountains, near the abyss. You can't grow a wooden pole, but you can stand.
In the bitter fleabane bitter fleabane, can't bear to go straight. [White sand nirvana, all black.
The root of Lan Huaizhi is it, and its gradual change □ (adding three points of water to different forms of "repair"), the gentleman does not kiss and refuses. Its quality is not beautiful, but it is also gradual.
Therefore, a gentleman must choose his hometown when he is born, and he must be an official when he goes out, so he must be close to righteousness. Everything has a beginning and an end.
When honor or disgrace comes, it will be like virtue. Meat rots into adults, and fish withers into moths.
Ignoring and forgetting your body is a disaster. Strong cultivation, soft cultivation.
Evil is in the body, and resentment is in the structure. If the salary is the same, the fire will dry up.
If the ground is flat, the water will be wet. Vegetation is born, birds and animals are numerous, and things are human beings.
It is the nature of Zhang and the bow and arrow to swallow. Lin Mao's axe is heavy, the trees are shaded by birds, and it is sour and sour. Therefore, there are calls for disaster and humiliation. A gentleman is careful what he says! Accumulate soil to build mountains, and wind and rain will flourish.
The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born. Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared.
Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This has contributed greatly to the success of this horse.
Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow land with their hearts.
The crab knelt six times and squeezed twice, but it was not a snake. Those who have no sustenance in the cave (next to the "good" worm) are also impatient. Therefore, those who have ulterior motives have no bright future.
People who have nothing to do with confusion have no merit in hehe. Those who follow the right path will not come, and those who follow the right path will not allow it.
Eyes can't see, ears can't hear. -("Horse" is replaced by "Worm" in Teng) Snakes fly without feet, but mice are poor with five branches.
The poem says: "The corpse dove is in Sang, and her son is seven. A good gentleman with noble character is always a polite person.
Always have a good appearance and a rock-solid inner integrity. "So the gentleman with a also.
In the past, I played drums and harp, but I listened to fish. I play drums and the piano. Therefore, the sound is not small but not heard, and the line is not hidden but not shaped.
Jade is moist in the mountains, pearls are born in the deep, and cliffs are not withered. Do good without accumulating evil? There are people who don't listen! Learn evil from scratch? Evil in the end? Yue: Its number begins with chanting and ends with the ceremony of reading.
Its significance begins with being a scholar and ends with being a saint. If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will enter, and if you learn, you will stop.
Therefore, there is an end to the number of students. If it is just, it cannot be abandoned for a moment. For it, people are also; Give up, so do animals.
Therefore, the book is also the discipline of political affairs. Poets, the voice in the middle stopped.
Ceremony is the greatness of law, and so is the discipline of the group. Therefore, learning must stop at ceremony.
Husband is called the extreme of morality. The respect of ceremony, the harmony of music, the abundance of poetry and books, the micro-spring and autumn, between heaven and earth.
The learning of a gentleman is also in the ear, in the heart, in the four bodies, and in the dynamic shape. Generally speaking, crawling is the law.
The knowledge of the villain is heard by the ear, not by the mouth. Between the mouth and the ears, there are four-inch long ears, which is beautiful enough for a seven-foot body! Ancient scholars were themselves, and today's scholars are people. The study of a gentleman is also for beauty.
Little people learn that birds are calves. Therefore, if you don't ask, you will be proud of it, and if you ask, you will be proud of it.
Proud, not also; [Like], no; A gentleman is like a man. Learn not to be close to others.
Rites and music are not mentioned, poetry and books are not cut, and the Spring and Autumn Period is simple and unhappy. If you learn from a gentleman, you will respect him all over the world.
Therefore, learning ink is almost close to people. Learning classics is not as fast as learning good people, followed by long rituals.
You can't be a good person in the world, and you can't be a gift in the next life. Ante will learn miscellaneous knowledge, follow the poetry book! Then, in the last poor years, it is inevitable that there will be rude Confucianism. The original king, benevolence and righteousness, is right.
If you pat your collar with five fingers, there will be countless followers. If you don't respect the Constitution, you can't use it to measure the river, use it as a tool or use it as a pot.
Therefore, although Longli is unknown, he is also a lawyer; If you don't give a long gift, you will scatter Confucianism, although you will argue. Ask the bitter, don't tell.
Don't ask those who complain. Don't listen to those who say they are bitter.
Don't argue with people who live up to expectations. So follow its path, then walk, and avoid it if it is not its path.
Therefore, return the courtesy before you can talk to the parties; Words are fluent, but later they can be defended by words and deeds; Follow the color, and then you can follow your words and deeds. So, you can't be proud of what you said, but you can hide what you said and you can't be proud of your appearance.
Therefore, a gentleman is not proud or hidden, let nature take its course. The poem says, "The son of heaven gave me comfort from bandits."
This is also called. One of a hundred shots is not a good shot.
A thousand miles is not enough, and good is not enough. Learning badly is because ethics has nothing to do with human nature.
Those who learn well will learn well. Once in the way, once in the way, the person who draws the lane is also.
There are fewer good people, more bad people, and stealing feet. All the people, and scholars.
A gentleman knows that her husband is not perfect and can't think of beauty, so he recites it consistently and thinks it over, so as to treat others and educate people. Make eyes have no desire to see, ears have no desire to listen, mouth has nothing to say, and heart has nothing to worry about.
When you are good at time, your eyes are good with five colors, your ears are good with five tones, your mouth is good with five flavors, and your heart benefits the world. Therefore, rights cannot be dumped, the masses cannot be moved, and the world cannot be shaken.
Life depends on reason, death depends on reason, and husband is called virtue. Fuck it, and then you can decide.
You can decide and then you can respond. But you must respond, my husband called.
7. Persuade to learn the original text, translation, classical Chinese knowledge, literary common sense, key words "Persuade to learn" and Mr. Translator said: learning is impossible.
Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice and water are cooler than water. This straight rope is a wheel, and its curve is the gauge; Although there is a crisis, those who stop coming forward will make it happen.
Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, the gentleman is knowledgeable, and he saves himself every day, so he knows clearly without fault. The gentleman said: learning can't stop.
Indigo is extracted from bluegrass and bluer than bluegrass. Ice is solidified by water, which is cooler than water. The wood is straight and conforms to the chalk line. If it is bent into a wheel, the curvature of wood meets the standard of roundness. No matter how dry it is, it won't be straight, because it has been processed like this.
Therefore, wood can be straightened after being measured with ink lines, and metal products such as swords can be sharpened after being ground on a millstone. A gentleman reads widely and checks himself every day, then he will be wise and wise, and his behavior will not be wrong. So, if you don't climb the mountain, you don't know the height of the sky. Don't face the deep stream, I don't know the thickness of the ground; You didn't know the greatness of learning until you heard the last words of the late king.
The son of a foreigner is born with the same sound, long and different customs, so it is natural to teach him. The poem says, "Well, gentlemen, there is no constant rest.
Jing * * *, good is integrity. Listen to God and you will be blessed. "
God is greater than Tao, and joy is greater than harmlessness. Therefore, if you don't climb the mountain, you don't know how high the sky is; I don't know how thick the ground is without facing the deep stream; If you don't understand the legacy of the emperor, you won't know the breadth of knowledge.
Dry people, Vietnamese, foreigners and raccoons cry the same when they are born, but their customs are different when they grow up, which is created by education. The poem says, "Gentlemen, don't always think about comfort.
Take your work seriously and love the virtue of integrity. The gods will give you great happiness when they hear all this. "
In terms of spiritual cultivation, there is nothing greater than being edified by the Tao, and there is nothing more lasting than happiness without disaster. 1, yes: stopped 2, gentleman: here refers to talented people.
3. Green is taken from blue: indigo is taken from blue grass. Cyan, indigo, a dye.
Blue, Polygonum blue. Polygonum blue: A panicum miliaceum with reddish-purple stems and oblong leaves, which is dark blue when dried.
Flowers reddish, spikes, achenes, dark brown. Leaves contain blue juice, which can be used as blue dye.
4. Bluer than blue: darker than Polygonum blue. 5. Medium rope: (wood) conforms to the straight ink line.
The carpenter straightened it with a straight ink line. 6. Tell him to dry the wood with fire and let it bend.
7. Gauge: compass, a tool for measuring circles. 8, despite the wind and rain: even if it is dried up by the wind and the sun.
Yes, pass "again". Fuck, fuck.
Violence, with "exposure" to do. It's violent and dry.
9, quite: straight. 10. Take-up rope: ink line measurement.
1 1, gold: refers to metal swords, etc. 12, just sharpened: take it to sharpen the knife.
Sharpen, sharpen this stone. Just, verb, approach, approach.
13, participation in the province: self-examination and self-correction. Participate in, inspect and inspect.
Provincial inspection. Hu, preposition, Yu.
14, a moment: a moment. 15, Gang: Lift the heel.
16, Bo Jian: See wide, see wide. 17, people who see it are far away: it means that people who are far away can also see it.
18, disease: fast, fast, here extended to "loud", meaning loud. 19, false: use, use.
20. hey: car. 2 1, Li nationality: fast rhythm.
22, to: reach. 23. Water: refers to swimming.
Nouns. Used as a verb.
24, absolute: crossing. 2 25. Life is different: there is no difference in essence (with ordinary people).
Health, general "sexual" talent, qualification. 26. Things: Foreign things refer to various objective conditions.
27. Xing: Xing, get up. 28. Deep: The water is deep.
29. Jiao: A kind of dragon. 30. Accumulate goodness into virtue, and the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared: accumulate goodness, reach the highest realm, and be clear-minded.
Go ahead, go ahead. 3 1, Yi: half a step in ancient times.
In ancient times, it was called "stepping" with one foot and "stepping" with two feet. 32. nothing: useless (method) 33. Hey: steed.
34. Ten coachmen in Ma Xu: A bad horse can pull a cart for ten days and go a long way. ) A bad horse.
Frame, the distance a carriage travels in one day is called "one driving". Never give up: Success lies in never stopping.
Give up, stop. 36. Wedge: Carved with a knife.
37. Sculpture: Sculpture. 38. single-minded: (this is) because of single-minded.
Yes, because. 39, six squats: six legs, crabs are actually eight legs.
Kneel down, crab feet. On the one hand, the two legs behind the sea crab can only paddle, and cannot be used for walking or self-defense, so it cannot be counted as "kneeling".
40. Crab pliers. 4 1, mania: impetuous, inattentive.
(1) The popular word "Lu" is the wheel, and the rules in pleasure (Lu leads to Lu, and wood is bent by fire) are clear but not absurd (knowledge leads to wisdom, wisdom), and gentlemen are born without difference (life leads to sex, too). "Violence" leads to "exposure" and "exposure" (2) Different meanings in ancient and modern times: extensive learning, extensive learning. Example: A gentleman is knowledgeable and helps himself by taking part in daily activities.
Modern significance: profound knowledge and knowledge. Ancient meaning: check, check
Example: A gentleman is knowledgeable and helps himself by taking part in daily activities. Modern significance: participation, reference or inquiry, understanding.
The ancient meaning of disease: strong.
Example: silent (here it is loud); The wind knows the grass. Modern significance: illness, quick.
False ancient meaning: rely on, with the help of. For example, a fake rider.
Modern significance: as opposed to "truth". Jinguyi: A sword made of metal.
Exodus: if Jin is profitable, it will be beneficial. Today's meaning: gold and silver, gold.
Claw worms have no advantages over claws: claws and teeth. Example: Earthworms have no advantage over their minions.
Modern significance: henchmen, accomplices and running dogs of bad guys. The ancient meaning of mind: ideological activity.
For example, wholeheartedly. Modern meaning: study hard or be willing to think about something.
8. Sun Quan suggested learning the key function words of classical Chinese knowledge. This word is mostly used in ancient and modern idioms with different meanings and can be used interchangeably. Chu: At the beginning, this is a customary word to recall the past. 2. Power: refers to Sun Quan, the word Zhong Mou. In the first year of Huanglong (A.D. 222), it was called (now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province), and the country name was Wu. He soon moved to Wuchang (now Sun Yicheng, Hubei). Often used with "Yue". 4. Qing: the title of respect of ancient monarchs to ministers or elders to younger generations. 5. Today: Now. 6. Tu: Same as Tu. Dangtu is in charge of affairs, which means ruling. In charge of political affairs (against: Dangtu: place names). 7.Ci: dodge. Extramarital affairs. 9. Loneliness: the title claimed by ancient princes. 10. Study on Confucian Classics. "Jing" refers to the four books and five classics, including The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, Mencius and The Book of Songs, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes and The Spring and Autumn Annals. The past refers to history. 15, but: So, yes. 16, and: it's time ... 17, it's time; Arrival. 18, Xunyang: county name, southwest of Huangmei, Hubei. 19, Talent and Strategy: Military or Political. 20, no recovery: no longer. 2 1, eldest brother: eldest brother, here is a respectful name for elders of the same age. 22, but: only. Only 0.26, three days to say goodbye: a few days for ambitious people. Three days, here refers to "less" (different from the usually explained "more"). 27. He: Why? 28. Lv Meng: Wu Dong, a famous general, was born in Pi Fu (now Fuyang, Anhui). 29, er: a restriction, modal particle. With Tenuto 34. Surprise: Surprise: 35. Today: now: 36. Person: used after time words, without translation. 37. Reply: Again: 38. It was just: 39. Worship: visit: 40. Wait: wait: 4 1. Martial arts Amon: The Three Kingdoms. Monk, there is no literature in Wuxia. 42. Look at each other with new eyes, that is, look at them with different eyes. Wipe your eyes. 43. More: Reply. 44. Amon: Add "A" before the name to show intimacy. 45. evil (yé): through "ye", modal particles. 46. That is the meaning of being in power. 48. Zhi: Use 49. See things: recognize things as false words and be lonely, and want to be evil for doctors: express rhetorical tone, which is equivalent to "horse". Being in charge today in Qing Dynasty: Tu, Tongtu is ambiguous: but when dabbling (auxiliary verb, want), you can see things in your hand (verb, positive): You have seen the past (understand) why you see things late (recognize) The ancient meaning of different meanings in ancient and modern times: shirking. (told to do more in the army) Today means: beautiful words. The meaning of governing the ancient times: the meaning of learning today: the meaning of governing the ancient times: it's time ... (and Lu Su tried to find the sun) to look at others with different eyes) Today's meaning: more. But the ancient meaning: only. Today's meaning: turning conjunctions, but. Doctor Gu Yi: A scholar in charge of Confucian classics at that time. (Lonely, eager to take Confucian classics as a doctor's evil) Today's meaning: the name of a degree. The past ancient meaning: the history present meaning: the past was great. Today's meaning: refers to the area, volume and capacity.
9. In the classical Chinese "Encouraging Learning", you need to master the key content of that study. First, the content words in classical Chinese.
1, the "persuasion" of "persuasion"
2, "The wood is straight in the rope, thinking it is a wheel, and its curve is in the rules. Although there is a storm, those who are no longer upright should let nature take its course, such as "loyalty", "prestige", "flexion" and "naturalness"
3. The words "go to school", "learn" and "participate in the province" are "so, the wood is straight for the rope, the gold is sharp for the benefit, and the gentleman knows how to save when he participates in Japan, so he knows clearly and is not wrong".
4. The word "Gang" in "I'll look forward to it after tasting it, and I'll see it better after climbing the mountain".
5. The words "disease" and "Zhang" in "Breathing with the wind, the sound is not added to the disease, and the listener shows it".
6. "Fake horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. A gentleman's life is the same, and goodness is better than emptiness.
7. "Step by step" and "inaction" in "So, not step by step, Wan Li Road".
8. "Yellow", "Use" and "One" in "Eat dirt, drink yellow and use your heart".
9. The "sustenance" in "The crab kneels six times, pinches twice, and the point of the snake eel has no sustenance, and the heart is impetuous".
Second, the function words in classical Chinese
Various usages of 1 and "er".
2. "Hu" is equivalent to the usage of the preposition "Yu".
Third, classical Chinese sentence patterns
1, the adverbial marked with the word "Yu" is postpositioned: green is more than blue.
2, ellipsis: think about the wheel.
2. The word "Zhi" is used as the attributive postposition of the sign: Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, but their bones and muscles are strong.